Are these Souls Sacrificed or Not?

It’s pointless to ask why story composition was so screwed up since we know that during that period the Creative Writing personnel were either screwed up or playing head games with each other.

What happened, happened… for good or ill it’s water returned to the ocean.


You’re just saying “We can’t criticise the story because it will never improve.” We’re allowed to discuss the lore on a lore forum.


I got that impression too.

If wisps are just elven spirits with such close ties to the natural world that they hang around after death to become one with nature, this just seems like a more coordinated/powered-up version of that.


I hear you. But man.

The only thing I can say is the bar is so low it’s subterranean now. Dragonflight really just needs to manage basic competency and inoffensive beats.

Fortunately Dragons are fairly benign and easy content to do.

…we just wont talk about orcs and red dragons.
… or death knights and red dragons.

…in fact lets just not talk about the last ~50 years of red dragon history.


What I’m saying it’s pointless to keep repeating the same complaints time after time about something that can’t be changed that was the result of a screwed up and hostile creative studio. Shadowlands is done… finiti… and appropriately, kaput.

I would say yes.

They most likely turned themselves into raw anima and were infused into the seed.

Had they wanted to do that, Tyrande would be dead right now.
They didn’t kill any important named nelf cast character.
Nelves still boast the biggest cast of any player race.


Wait, you’re calling me toxic for saying cringe when you’re using a term made specifically to bully Nelf players? Lol


Human potential might have a word to say about that. But that’s nit picking - it’s close either way lol.

I have been wondering about the Night Elf souls infused into the seed, as well.

I have been thinking it can work as some sort of multifaceted consciousness. Like, as the seed grows, maybe its magic can spread to life that is already there. Turning Hyjal into Super Hyjal - so to speak.

I read the OP and thought: “hey, this is an interesting topic that is also mysterious. I was wondering about this myself.”

Take that as you will - some would say the fact that I agree means it must be the devil’s work.

Aw, he must have edited that out before I saw it. I would have cheered at my desk.


I didn’t want to offend Night Elf posters, so I got rid of it. I shouldn’t have used it.


And more to the point as much of a shew as she is… Tyrande is no matriarch. The Night Elves have never been a matriarchy. Having strong women in power is not the defining characteristic of one.


Shaw’s boyfriend (I guess)
Jaina’s mom (I guess? she’s gone post bfa)
Genn’s daughter

Whomst am I forgetting?
And don’t say Genn.
He’s Worgen.

They really should address that DK’s are raising fallen red dragons from the second war by corrupting their lingering life essence to decay, because that’s interesting lore that just gets glossed over in Legion.

Especially when Tyrande is only a figurehead. The real leader of the NE’s is the Shando, at best the leadership is shared between Tyrande and Malfurian with him leading the male druids and her leading the female priestesses.

I agree with you, the Night Elves are not a matriarchal society. It is cool that the women make up 80% of the army, though, but that’s because they have rigid expectation of society defined by gender.

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This might diverge from the main topic, but for my part, I have always been reticent to use terms like “matriarchal” to describe the kaldorei. I won’t argue if people use it, there is good reason to have that view. I would not be surprised if Blizzard used that word a couple of times over the years. But I am reticent to use it because it seems a wee bit off the mark.

I think in WC 3, they definitely had that element. The dudes just woke up. The women were running around in the forests, scantily clad.

But in WoW, the lore changes quite a bit. There are male and female Druids. Male and female priests. At the start of WoW, by making Warcraft into an MMO, Blizz decided to make a lot of the gender roles more fluid than in the RTS.

One reason people might call it matriarchal is because as far as I know, it has been led by 2 women. I can only think of two - Tyrande and Azshara. But does that fact alone make it matriarchal? I don’t know if females other than those specific 2 in kaldorei society have the same power over their society as say, the Blood Troll Matriarchs, who are massive physically and carry around their dudes in chains.

We don’t know a lot about the kaldorei monarchy other than Azshara, or how she became Queen. Farondis was a prince - maybe Azshara was just next in line to the throne, and if she had an older brother, he would have been king. After the sundering, Malfurion was taking a nap. Maybe it is just happenstance that the two leaders the kaldorei have had who ruled for ages were two females - Azshara and Tyrande.


The Night Elves were lead by Fandral Staghelm as Shando, prior to Tyrande taking over, so it’s been lead by a man between Azshara and Tyrande.

I think you are right, the position just happened to fall to a woman twice in our known history, but it’s not law that only a woman can be in charge, nor are women respected more in society than men, it’s an egalitarian society. There are no true examples in WoW of a matriarchal society, but many examples of a hereditary patriarchal society.

Maybe Naga could be the closest thing to a matriarchal society in WoW? But they still follow N’Zoth so that’s debatable.

Me, after tirelessly collecting Kaldorei souls from the Maw so they can live as soulshapes in Ardenweald watching them all sacrifice themselves anyway: :expressionless:

I hope they provide some sort of explanation for it at least, or have them be reborn as wisps like they were meant to be. For anyone saying that Ardenweald was created to be the afterlife for Night Elves… they don’t even want to be there. LOL


If this were a novel, I would say that the souls are gone - sacrificed for the greater good of the Night Elf people. However, since it’s WoW and hence comic book writing, I would say that we don’t know. If Blizz at some point in the future decides that they need those souls back for some reason, boom they will be back.