Nah, rating shaming and claiming BDK’s out burst WW are not worth this forums time.
Most WWs are playing feral. Which generally are rogue mains. Monk is not popular unless broken.
It actually does out burst WW.
Blood dk doesn’t do more dam than ww overall but back to back to back 1.5-2.5mill death strikes is higher burst than ww monk and most classes in the game
Ww damage isn’t bad just because its burst window isn’t as scary as other specs. Ww comps like bm ww and ele ww do infinite sustain damage so when they are sending their burst ur already at 60-75% hp Before the go even starts
The main reason I put monk is A tier is because it’s not possible to die on ww unless you want to. If monk had bad defensives they would be wayy lower
Nobody is saying, that the overall damage would be super bad.
But other specs do the same overall damage while having way better toolkits and/or a lot more scary burst. That is why WW is barely better than DH after the latest patches and hotfixes.
You basically don’t have any impact versus good players, since you can’t even punish bad plays!
The analysis I quoted took the popularity of each dps class into concern!
I actually play occasionally with a DK that is 2400 rated on occasion, and plays frost/blood. I asked his opinion on this and he said “Yeah you can get 2 big globals from time to time for a few mil”. This isn’t meaningful burst as he represented it, it’s occasional RNG that can potentially create a window for a real damage dealer. It is burst, but it isn’t going to win games the way WW can very easily do by gas pedaling.
Keyword goofball used was “meaningful” burst.
Yeah but they can’t punish you either.
Since you are immortal.
ww is never hitting more then 1 mil consistently like blood dk can which is what burst is, dropping someones health bar quick not gradually. ww will do more damage consistently compared to a blood dk but a blood dk is going to have a greater chance to 100-0 you vs a WW.
WW is quite tanky, we all agree with that, but a lot of specs are tanky these days!
And beside especially you as a pala counter half of its defensive toolkit … BUT when you can’t kill anyone, how exactly does not being super squishy help you to win?!
Delete this, brotha.
Ww is literally not even a viable target in a lot of matchups.
That’s more than just being tanky.
Spec can only win on mana bar unironically unless other team completely throws
People will play whats the most broke, not necessarily means ww is bad, is just an unpopular spec.
Did they nerf monk dam in any of the recent patches?
Is it true shadow pan is bugged?
It’s how it’s been all xpac, I don’t think theirs been any real games i’ve won before mana bar.
The reality is everything has gotten a TON better this xpac and WW has stayed the same since day 1.
I have no idea the bugs but no good WW has played shadow pan since the conduit buffs.
Okay, 1.5 mil of this is the MW, No?
Obviously bdk has real burst and is super cancer and I will mald if I fight bdk outlaw MW, but that’s not a super fair comparison.
Also this^
Are they ever outside of conduit on an isolated target? I feel like my RSKs crit for like 8-900k.
I’m sorry
True, but I’m also dampening BM/hpal teams in 2s. Obviously these are random 2-3x glads on fotm rerolls, but I can’t do that on any other class.
Idk, ww feels more like a tank than any other spec I’ve ever played (besides a literal tank). Cant die, but also has no real kill pressure.
I think I found the bm hunter counter.
Double ww with a mw healing them. Unkillable comp that just runs down the hunter
Can sweep into ven diagram triple rop to make him fly
Nah, WW can’t live vs bm hunter comps if they full train the WW. I’ve died in legit 1 min 30 seconds vs a bm dk team that full throttled me.
Okay, somebody might die when you oom’d the healer. You don’t have meaningful burst nor good cc chains/stun locks. So how would ever any good player die to WW sustained dmg that isn’t bad, but also not even good anymore?!
DH and Deva have nearly the same amount of players. So do you really want to say, that they are equally strong?
Or how about SV? DH has nearly double as many player in 3s compared to SV. Does it mean DH is a lot better than SV?
They “fixed” bugs which ended up in even less burst than before.
It is. Its randomly resetting. You can even test it. Get the energy up to ~185, then swap in arena to a target that has quite some distance. Often the stacks won’t go off.
Also can happen when you got cc’d, or someone blocked/bubble, etc.
No. Just add the Death Strike damage together. The MW hit additionally for 1.5M. It was 3.3 from the DK alone, ~5M dmg from BDK+MW combined.