Are there any women here that play male characters?

My dracthyr in dragon form is female but in visage form is male. Dunno how that counts into things but yeah.

I do. But I don’t know why one of these posts pops up every few months.


Eh idle chit chat I hope.

Let’s hope, because usually these types of posts turn into dumpster :fire: about contemporary issues :stuck_out_tongue:


I once had a friend that would play a male character, to avoid harassment. This was in the early days of WoW, pre-Wrath.

Also, the inverse- I know a guy who would play a female character, because people were nice to him (thought he was a girl IRL) and he’d take advantage over the neckbeards swooning over his character, lmao.

I don’t think it’s weird.

I DO think it’s weird that dudes think they’ll get laid in an online video game, and act creepy towards folks they suspect are women.

Put on some deodorant, go outside, and talk to REAL women, lol.

I have to presume this is some sort of bait post, because
you cannot actually ask that seriously.

What about male characters that play women?

cues the cross dressing bear from Talespin

See, back in vanilla (I am female and had all female characters at the time) I was told this by someone. “You have it easier because female characters get fawned over!” Out of curiosity, I decided to roll a male character to see what was it which everyone claimed was the difference. I figured I would just drop the cute smilies from my typing and let people make their own assumptions. This should have been easy because of the MUCH lesser use of talkie-programs at the time. (Teamspeak existed, but outside organized groups, people rarely expected to use it.) It wasn’t. No one believed I was a guy. After most groups, inevitably someone would say some version of: “I’ve never known a girl that plays a male character.”

After a couple months of trying, I chalked the experiment up as a loss. That character was eventually deleted, but fast forward to Legion looming on the horizon and I wanted a demon hunter. I rolled a male blood elf demon hunter and joked I did it so I had a bank alt which would make me want to lick my screen. :slight_smile: That demon hunter (which I nicknamed “Fluffy” – not the character’s actual name :joy: ), was FAR TOO MUCH FUN to leave as a bank alt. He got played equal time with my mains, including lots of pickup raiding. Then I noticed something weird. Where no one had ever believed me to be a guy during my vanilla experiment, it seemed EVERYONE assumed I was a guy when playing Fluffy. Many was the pickup raid:

PUG raid: “Okay, everyone get into comms!”
Me: “Hi there!”
PUG raid: “Wait
 which one are you?”
Me: “The DH.”
PUG raid: “
 You’re a girl!”

It happened so often I liked thinking up fun replies to use. (“Yeah, ever since I was a little kid!” “Yeah and I think my husband figured it out too!” “Wow, my mom also said that!” :joy: )

Now my 15 alt mini-army is 12 girls and 3 boys. :slight_smile: I find it hilarious the time I tried to fake being a guy, no one believed me, then years later I roll a male character for funsies, suddenly everyone is sure I’m a guy until they hear me. :joy:


I do on occasion. Especially when I don’t want to be bothered by random weirdos who whisper every female toon in the area.

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Nope! All my toons are females. The only time I turn into a male character is with the help from the toy that allows you to change race.

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When my cousin and I used to play wow, she played a male Tauren Hunter lol. No clue why, she just always played male characters

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I might be old but, I have my weight under control thank you. I don’t live in the US though, so there’s that.

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I’m a lady and I have male characters. My KulTiran, Vulpera, and Dark Iron Dwarf are all male because I just didn’t like the female models. No other reasons than that.

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I have some male characters; I knew a female player who had all male characters.

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For a long time, my Worgen was male because we all know what the old female model was like. /shudder

But with the new model, I’ve changed my Worgen into female. This leaves me with two male toons:

A dwarf (c’mon, they’re perfect! And I have two female dwarves too)

A troll, because I absolutely CANNOT stand the female troll run animation. I’ve hated it since day 1. I could never level a female troll past level 5 due to this reason.

I have a few trolls. My only female troll is a Druid, specced Feral, so she’s always in animal form.


because the woman character models/voices are kind of generally annoying and grating to listen to/

I only play male characters. After playing female ones from vanilla to BC I had enough. I never talk in discord. I don’t play this game for a dating app, I play this game to play this GAME. No one bothers me on my male characters, ever. I can raid and mythic+ in peace.

Also female worgen still look like trash compared to the male ones. I want a werewolf to look like a werewolf lol.

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my older sister plays an orc male warrior. her husband plays a troll shaman.

I can see why she married him. The man has top shelf taste.


Me personally, nah. I like to immerse myself a little bit. So my toons, not that I have many, are always female as I myself am female IRL.
Same with my DnD group. I’ll try just about any class/ race combo but I will always play female.