Are there any 8.0.1 to 8.1.0 API changes?

Some addons which worked in 8.0.1 are semi-broken in 8.1.0.

wowpedia lists API changes for 8.0.1, but is there anything for 8.1.0?

Blizz definitely changed the frame templates used by addons to create windows and stuff. Things were renamed or removed and now any add-on referencing the old 8.0 name will be referencing a nonexistent object.

Not an api change in the sense of changing a function called by the add-on but an api change still

Ok, so what is the name of the old and new ones? Iā€™m not seeing anything online that references the two together. Or at least the names of the removed items in 8.1 would be a start.

Use the above to export the UI code. Navigate to Interface\Addons\Blizzard_Deprecated

Look in Deprecated_8_1_0.lua

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