Are the Horde nicer than alliance?

I get /hug by Troll in elwynn Forrest but never alliance. What are your experiences?


Both sides are the same.

That’s funny I have an alt in your guild.



This has been my experience, but I’d imagine it varies from server to server.


Alliance is more toxic overall. There’s nice people on Alliance too of course but the overall level of negativity and anti-social attitude is higher on ally side.

I play both factions regularly just never on the same server.


Horde always trying to kill me. Even their bots are out to get me even when I show them my ID granting me diplomatic immunity they persist. Not sure how that’s nice but shrugs

Everyone’s chill on PvE servers. PvP servers, though, have too many sociopaths, on both sides.


Horde tend to be smarter, cooler, funnier, and overall better looking


Again with that characterization soy boy.

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Horde is equally toxic overall. Your experience varies and isn’t some all knowing proof.


In their dreams at night. Yes, that’s true. :wink:

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Most people find my leaking pus and the stink of my rotting flesh to be incredibly sexy

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Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

A lady who isn’t afraid of dying to someone in a video game. You can join the back of the line with all the other betas.

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That’s probably because a huge number of alliance players on Earthfury are actually just alt accounts of players from guilds like who.

Play on a server that isn’t completely filled with colluders and maybe your experience will vary.

Yes the Horde is nicer than the Alliance especially on PvP servers.

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Horde pve.

horde are filled with edge lords in my experience, people that wanna be cooler than the next guy, or are always trying to stunt.

these people are turned off by alliance having weaker pvp racials etc.

Alliance are filled with RP lords in my experience that want a prettier race that want to be cooler than the next guy or girl, or are always trying to dance naked in goldshire inn.

These people are turned off by horde having uglier races.



There’s kinda 2 understandings of what RPGs are.

People vs. Monsters


Play as a Monster.

That’s the only difference.

The players are the same. Just 2 different approaches.

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