Are the healing nerfs going live today?

I cant find the blue post where they’re laid out. If anyone has a link, id appreciate it.


Here’s the tuning.

Great more DH buffs :rage:

Where do you see DH buffs?

In the link Kennie posted

Disc damage should be reduced by 15%, 3% is a damn joke and just sad honestly.

It…seems like a reasonable place to start considering their damage becomes their healing via atonement, no? Because 3% healing nerf on top of 3% damage nerf which is also a healing nerf seems somewhat substantial.


Damn, have I been slacking this entire expansion (perhaps longer)?

Today I found out how disc priests work :slight_smile:

Thanks papa fox

Im only seeing nerfs, can you quote what youre seeing?

It’s in this post from him

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Demon Hunter

  • Fel Rush damage reduced by 12%.
  • Immolation Aura damage reduced by 12%.
  • Fel Barrage damage reduced by 12%.
  • Fixed an issue when talented into A Fire Inside that caused any cast of Immolation Aura beyond the first to not enforce its intended GCD.

Somebody is getting Bieboozled.


Yeah, because I specifically re-rolled DK this week because they’re buffing them and nerfing disc. IDK what data theyre looking at to buff DK but pvp this week is going to be hilarious.

Unholy got nerfed.

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Why does it feel like no one can comprehend what they are reading in these patch notes?


Why did you only post the nerfs and not the buffs?

Post what i didnt

Quite right! I just rolled as a gnome warrior because of disc nerfs. IDK why I was confusing my war and dk. Both wear plate lol? It’s before I had my morning coffee

I wonder how hard this hits my DK :cry:

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In case you didn’t see it, Biebz has pointed out where the tuning is. ^^

I missed that initially. Thank you.

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