Are the books any good?

Read J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Brian Jacques works. Your welcome.

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I found a “used” copy of Arthas on Amazon for 25 cents plus shipping a few years back. The cover art was worth the 4 bucks!

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Don’t worry about that post. It doesn’t matter.

If you like sci-fi/fantasy, you may like Shipbreaker by Paolo Bacigalupi.

It’s a series, Shipbreaker is the first book, then Drowned Cities and then Tool of War.

They are fun, will captivate you and exciting.

Some of them are good. Others I dislike. They fill in a lot of gaps in the story.

I enjoyed the Arthas book, Wolfheart and Illidan books the most.

Also a good way to learn more of the lore is to read the Chronicles and search lots of stuff on Wowpedia. Just keep clicking links and find fun stuff. :slightly_smiling_face:

Get the WoW Chronicle books. They aren’t quite a novel, more like a guide to all Warcraft lore. They’re fun reads though!

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Another good avenue for you to explore the lore is Nobbel’s Youtube channel. He’s a walking WoW encyclopedia.

They are not great books, and few of them are arguably not even good. I guess they’d easyly fit on your “Trash fantasy” category.

That said, they’re still enjoyable.

If you’re into WOW’s lore, they’re a nice read and give you true knowledge of what’s been going on in the world of warcraft all this time, as well as an insight of the known characters as they live, rather than be NPCs.

They hardly ever do this with me…although I can (no spoilers) think of a certain battle in Tides of War that played on my head vividly…that was nice :D.


If you’re interested on understanding the world, you can get a summary of the important things in the three volumes of the Chronicles. They are good. You wont get much insight on the characters lives and the personal adventures of each book though.

Compared to the writers and associated books mentioned. The WoW novels are crap. And only exist to contain game relevant plot developments, and to make Blizz more money.

As to the plot developments I just find out through the forums/youtube and far more enjoy the experience than having read the books.

I believe you can read previews of the books on their website. I tried to get through one i picked up from the library… it was not good. i got about 40 pages in before deciding i would be better off reading something else. There are different authors, maybe some of the other writers are better. Knaack or w/e his face is was pretty awful.

Some are better than others but they’re alright reads. Lord of the Clans and Rise of the Horde are great IMO.