Are tauren uninteresting?

Huln’s part of the Night Warrior segment of the Night Fae Campaign because he’s recruited to track down former Night Warriors with his hunting prowess, but he wasn’t a Night Warrior himself.


I dunno if I’d say they were fine. I feel like Blizz is either afraid to write them much, or more likely, they just don’t know how to so skip it. But there have been so many major points that they’ve just ignored, along with the fact that the racial leader only seems to be used in context of the Alliance.

How can it be fine when the race that won’t stop talking about the Earth Mother has absolutely zero content or reaction to the news that Azeroth is a titan? Whether she is or isn’t the Earth Mother shouldn’t matter to that, it’s something they should at least be talking about, but instead we all got the stupid quartz dwarf who we lost Cairne so he could disappear for a few expansions being the only contact with her.


Baine to the Vulpera :

“I didn’t think you were good enough to join us until you solved our problems.”

I mean, I guess we Vulpera fans have the satisfaction of being a betterment to the Horde that Baine rejected…

The problem with Tauren is quite simple. They could be really interesting. But what writers have been doing for years is that a race is virtually defined by their leader. The Tauren’s leader is Baine → Baine is uninteresting → the Tauren are uninteresting.

A cool change of pace would be to emphasize other traits of the Tauren and leave the peacemongering thing behind for a bit. They’re not just that. They’re also warriors, nomads, hunters…


I want Dezco to get involved more, he’s one of my favorite characters


They are ignored, Spirit walkers should of played some part in the shadowlands but they were no where to be seen. Same with orc shaman and their ancestorial connections.


I like it…

On Steamwheedle Cartel I formed a guild called Taurens Three

It’s entire complement are Tauren Sunwalkers, one of each spec. They’re each named after towns in New Jersey, Paquannock, Mahwah, and Ho Ho Kus, towns whose names are of Lenape origin.

We just started doing the Legion Order Hall quests

Tauren, like Dwarves have largely been ignored by Blizz. So they can’t be ruined by Blizz. This allows fans to play with the lore and cultural influences much more effectively and come up with headcanons and stories better than anything the hacks at Blizz could do.

Muradin can’t be ruined if Muradin never leaves Ironforge.


This game’s biggest strength is when it’s a wide-open sandbox for you to have your own adventures and headcanons in. You need canon foundations to base those on which I’d like the tauren to have a bit more of, but I think there’s still enough stuff to grab your imagination with them. Their myths and practices have an air of mystique about them that more explored races really don’t, which is very much a good thing because it plays into WoW’s strengths. The game works better when it’s trying to be something like a tabletop setting book rather than a singular narrative.

I’d say the tauren not having a lot of focus is very much a good thing, because with Blizzard asking for the spotlight is wishing on a monkey’s paw. Like if we got a Spiritwalker main character they’d probably have him reveal some stupid lore that ruins the entire tauren religion. Look what happened to Elune when she got stuff in Shadowlands.


Nailed it in one there.

There’s really nothing else to say.

I think its highly subjective, I really enjoy trolls because of their lore, not made up headcannons.

Its an interesting take for sure.

Like I bought the newest lorebook just for the new info on vulpera.

I’m not saying we don’t enjoy things because of the canon lore. Obviously we’re all here in the story forum and not the RP forum.
What I mean though is you need to leave enough intrigue and mystique there for people to form their own stories, as if using an RPG source book to play their own D&D games. If you explain too much, take too much of that mystery away, it ends up ironically making the world feel smaller. We see this with how Shadowlands has handled the afterlife.