Part of why it’s frustrating to talk to people such as yourselves is the instance to misconstrue the argument.
No one said Deathstalker’s Mark or Deathstalker is fine. There are serious bugs and issues. I just don’t agree that one issue you think exists is significant.
Telling me I’m thinking “it’s fine,” is not at all what is being argued. If you can’t actually discuss things, then yes, we will have to agree to disagree.
My argument has always, 100% of the time beenexactly the following. I’ll re-state it for you, for the third time…
“of all the hero trees, Deathstalker and Assassination are just the absolute worst, most frustrating from an “interacting with the hero tree” standpoint.”
You can argue whatever you want. But don’t misconstrue my argument to fit your agenda. Period.
Have a discussion on other parts that are an issue - that’s fine. Because the class is amuck with issues, bugs, and weird interactions. But don’t tell me that I don’t understand what I’m arguing. Mine has never changed…only your interpretation of it (for some reason).
On a fight like Silken Court, it feels terrible to have to switch onto the boss without mark. Because you’re just losing dps. If you “get lucky” and switch when the Darkest Night buff is up, then you almost feel “wrong” switching the mark to the other target because now you know you can’t get it back on the one you’re going to be hitting next.
I’m not talking about your argument dude. I’m talking about you misconstruing MINE.
I think deathstalker’s mark has bugs and needs fixed. But don’t think it needs pulled off ambush. You told me, “You can think it’s fine…but it’s not. I’m over it.”
You are choosing to be obtuse and insist that just because I don’t agree about Ambush, that I think the whole thing is fine, and it’s really stupid.
I don’t believe I’ve argued against anything you’ve said (except the part, obviously, where you thought I said Deathstalker and Sin were “bad” - which I didn’t say (math tells us it’s not). Just the interaction is absolutely horrifically bad). The opposite, however is true.
I don’t believe you are asking for genuine clarification as much as trying to mock my own previous posts where I ask for people to back up claims of knowledge of intent from the devs.
If I’m wrong, I apologize, but the italics and what, to me, appears as furious editting right after I reply make it seem like you’re eager to make a point.
Good news for you, I’m leaving for work, so have a nice day.
(sounds smart but isn’t, largely because the answer is just common sense but) Vanish isn’t an option if it’s on cooldown.
If you’re holding DN for a switch you’re losing dps…and if you’re holding DN for a switch, then you may not have it when you switch back. It’s double-sided there.
If you’re Fatebound, you just hammer away.
If you’re any other class, you just hammer away.
If you’re Deathstalker, AND you are assassination…you’re basically playing for portions of the fight without a hero tree.
Part of the problem here is…we’re not professional game developers. It’s not our position to fix the things. It’s only on us to say when things are not right, or don’t feel right, or don’t work in practice. I’m saying it.
It’s the responsibility of the $80B USD company to acknowledge, respond, or otherwise correct the issues. Normally, this is what betas are for.
but wait a second isn’t the point of CDs to hold them for when you need them?
yeah sure there are limitations, but there are also solutions to them.
the fight has timers, right? or phases, i imagine the target switching happens either at a % of health or on a fixed timer. like many other things, it seems like tomething to plan for.
sure other specs and classes and hero talents do not have this issue. sure. but why have them all play the same?
and more to the point, why would you design a hero spec just to perfectly suit 1 fight, or 1 style of fight?
To repeat: if it’s on cooldown, it is no longer an option. Argue your rhetoric all day. Nothing I said is wrong.
Hero talents should be good in a multitude of situations. Period. That’s kinda the point.
That said - is your argument that Deathstalker’s Mark application (for assassination) is in a good spot? I just want to make sure I understand what you’ve said with all of your word salad.
What in the heck am I reading here? This is some nonsensical discussion going on here. Like a conversation in which everyone is talking a different language then arguing that the other isn’t listening, or a group of tolls that are trolling each other.
If it’s on cooldown, you already used it when you last needed it.
There are multiple phases and swaps that occur at intervals less than 2 minutes (the cooldown for Vanish).
How are we having this discussion?
Really? Stuff like this is why rational, logical, decent conversations can’t be held here on the forums, honestly.
Vanish is a double edge sword. We should leave a decoy when we vanish with 1 hp or something so mobs/bosses don’t reset. It’ll give us a chance to attack without the entire fight resetting during a solo run.
I had multiple attempts with Zekvir ?? where that happened and it sucks.