Are priests supposed to be holy/ dis?

Is healing-priest the only viable priest in raiding?

If I want to play shadow, should I give up the idea of raiding?

you could probably find a guild but all of your abilities are low damage with mega threat on top of mana issues, i’m not sure why you would want to when the rotation isn’t anything special

you could go disc/shadow for power infusion + shadow weaving which helps the warlocks do more dps

or honestly just play a warlock, lol

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yikes, sounds very limiting. Maybe I will pick another class.

good choice

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Come TBC, Shadow Priest will be sought after. With the expected announcement of TBC Classic at Blizconline next month, might be a good time to start leveling one.

My priest is currently Shadow, and I made him with the express intent of raiding in TBC.

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it’s naxx phase, so a lot of people are quitting. You may find a spot just to sneak in. Also in mc/bwl/aq40/zg/aq20 pugs no one really cares that much, they usually just want bodies.

Shadow is also an amazing raid spec in tbc, so getting one prepped now isn’t a bad thing.

Shadow priests are absolutely horrible in Naxx due to mana problems primarily, but also due to the fact that mind flay has abysmal spellpower scaling. Their lack of usefulness is compounded by the fact that warlocks do subpar damage too, no raid stacks warlocks, so shadow weaving doesn’t do much for the raid. For Naxx raiding, shadow priest is basically meme spec.

Shadow priest does decently well in MC and BWL, though.

Shadow right now is kind of a bummer, since there’s a hard debuff limit and two of your three abilities take up a debuff slot whilst your third has a high threat mechanic. Come TBC, however, they’ll want at least one in every raid purely for your replenishment mechanic, which regenerates mana and is very useful for healers.

It’ll still be somewhat difficult to be the Shadow Priest in raids, as there’s always going to be others playing it, but it’s not like the spec is terrible.

Maybe you could find a lower level BG bracket and twink there. That might be a lot of fun.

How though? Do I need to sign up for TBC server somewhere? I rarely have time to play, so I might just be able to get there when TBC comes out, like next year?

A few months, you mean.

Idk about the roadmap for classic. Honestly are raiding compulsory for competitive gear? Maybe it’s because I’ve never played classic, being limited to one playstyle doesn’t seems very fun. I am torn between shadow-healing priest or arcane mage.

In Classic, the absolute best gear is from raiding. Outside of a few select pieces, AQ40 is where the best PvP gear got replaced. And getting the best PvP gear in Classic was a huge grind. We’re talking 16 hours a day for over a month with no breaks.

Arcane Mage is purely a burst build in Classic. You don’t even really use Arcane Missiles, you utilize Arcane Power to buff Frostbolt (in MC) and Fireball. Or in PvP, you use Arcane Power and Presence of Mind to instantly burst people with Pyroblasts.

Don’t sweat the absolute endgame though. Get there first. Classic has reached its final stage, Phase 6, and it’s likely we’ll see TBC in the next 4 months.

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I guess I will just play whatever I want, I don’t think I can reach 60 before TBC comes out anyway because I am playing both retail and classic, mostly retail. And I don’t really care about being the best. The true battle is always within you, if you are happy, you won. Guess I’ll stick with shadow priest (cuz I don’t plan to play priest in retail), and see where it takes me.

Worrying about endgame meta and making your decision based around it is never a good idea. Play what you like, there will always be groups and a guild/raid that can take you.


TBC hasn’t been officially announced yet. Like I said it’s expected to be end of February.

Who knows when it will actually launch. Could be this summer. Could be summer 2021. No one outside Blizzard really knows. Lots of people with opinions, but no facts.

So take this time to level one up and make some friends and connections. When/if TBC does come out, you will be in a position to fill that raid slot.

The biggest problem with a raiding shadow priest is the debuff slots. When we did have spriest they were pretty much allowed to only mind flay as their only debuff slot to apply Shadow Weaving for the warlocks.

You need to wait for TBC for these things. Currently in Classic, Fire is the meta by a pretty fair margin and shadow is just meh.

Come TBC, both of these specs are absolutely viable.

You can heal as Shadow.

You can heal as Elemental or Enhancement.

You can heal as Feral or Balance.

You can heal as Protection or Retribution.

Gearing > talents many times. Being halfway intelligent > talents many times.

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I don’t think I will do any raid in classic because I want to stay spriest, I will try to get myself to 60 around TBC launch. But I wonder if I will be able to gear up for TBC only through questing and pvp maybe?