Are people actually upset over blizz BLM stance?

they are losing money and less popular because of the wokeness. that is the point.

literally you look at examples of how wokeness causes people to lose money and ignore it…because of your ideological bias imo

That sounds nice, but it’s not what BLM movement actually wants.

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Gillette and their 8 billion dollar write down say otherwise.

Hollywood was close to an all-time record year in 2019. They’re losing money because of the lockdowns and people not being able to go to the theater.

It’s like stupidity is a disease.

EDIT - For other people who might have at least a double digit IQ, looking into Gilette’s losses reveal a complex web of reasons, and none of them have to do with asking men to please be better sometimes.

Now if you have issues with a massive international corporation telling working class men to be better, we can talk! But the idea they lost money because of “get woke go broke” is idiocy.

Probably more upset the way they handled it. Remember this is the same company that banned a china player over caring about an important cause.

so that write down doesn’t matter…why do you think it happened then.

also many individual movies have been hurt by the sjw agenda. like star wars etc.

Yes, but speaking up over it gets your comments down voted and removed. I wonder how many voices have been silenced over this because they do not support the current media meta narative…

if the US stopped making everything about skin color, perhaps there would be a chance to focus on some of the more pressing issues which are currently facing the country.


meanwhile, these “peaceful protests” being held by BLM folk, have resulted in huge loss of life, including children.
the same “peaceful protests” have destroyed businesses and livelihoods.

the people “protesting” (aka rioting/murdering) have no respect for the lives of anyone.

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I’m doing a awful lot of post muting today, that’s the one thing I know for sure.

I believe this is the motivating factor for companies and business alike to jump on that wagon.