Are demo imps bugged?

They cast 6 times but only damage on the first 5 casts. This is verified in damage logs.

The 6th cast goes through completely, hits, but does no damage. This was tested repeatedly on dummys.

Edit: Tested outside on some mobs and it will sometimes hit for all 6 and sometimes only 5. No idea what’s causing this. Imps will never get the 6th hit to register on dummys.


Maybe this is what’s wrong with my imp counter

I have a weakauras that shows each imp, and an energy bar for each one. It has 5 bars next to each imp to show how many casts they have and despawns after they cast 5, but they stay up after my aura says they’re dead

The in game tooltip for implosion is always off from what my weakauras says as well. I was wondering what was happening

Idk what’s going on but now I want to test it

Would you mind if I asked for those weak auras? Been looking for one that shows all imps but can’t seem to find one that works.

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Same…/10 char

So your weak aura is off because at level 56 the imps gained a 6th shot thanks to us gaining “Fel Firebolt” so you may want to alter the code in someway to account for the additional shot. Granted the actual tool tip states that they use 20% less energy when they cast Fel Firebolt. Hope that helps with figuring out what is wrong with your weak aura.