Are bots queuing with triple heal pets?

Currently on round 500 of this hell realm. Two songflowers and a magical crawdad. A signature of a bot is constant swaps below 25%. In this case he did swaps that made 0 sense. Swapped out a low hp songflower, swapped in a low hp crawdad, healing mist, wish and then swapped to a full hp songflower which used all those heals for no reason. In the last 490 rounds he has not missed a beat in his rotation. Even if i afk at full hp with photosynthesis up he is always on schedule with his healing, sunlight and solar beam in repeating rotation

My team was ragnaros, fel flame and blossoming ancient. I only swapped blossoming ancient cause I barely lost the game before with phoenix hatchling. And it doesn’t even seem like there is a way to report this. A player basically ruining pet battle matches is a scummy thing to do.

Welcome to changing the goal. Its like a pure counterspell deck with no win condition in Mtg. Its not about winning, its about grinding you down and sending a message so you are unlikely to even bother going forward.

It could be a bot, I am not an expert, however its a long running tradition in these types of pvp.

When teams like this are online i get my purple puffer and start pumping.

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/raises hand

Umm…what is a purple puffer and where can I get one?

What benefit would a bot get from doing this? What would they earn that they could sell by botting pet battles?

It is one of the Trading Card Game (TCG) pets.


You might be able to find a card with one OR just check your Auction House for it.