Are all Nathrezim loyal to Denathrius?

One slight problem. The light finding the Dreadlord hiding amongst their ranks happens before their exile (as the lights attack on Revendreth was the reason for their “exile”). Lothraxxion was an agent of the Burning Legion for a long time before he joined the Army of the Light. The dreadlords “siding” with the legion happened way after their exile.

I think it is better for the story to leave Lothraxxion as a dreadlord that actually defected to the Light for real. It has happened in real life, so why can’t it happen in WoW? Why are people so determined to paint Lothraxxion as a traitor to the point that they ignore the timeline?

And yet they got caught. I wouldn’t take what the Preface says at face value because of that. After all, it was written by the Dreadlords themselves. So perhaps they underestimated the Light.

There is a thing called a timeline. Which you seem to happily ignore

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I didn’t even know there was a timeline, is there something I can read to get up to speed? I chose Bastion as a covenant. I admit that I have only limited information on the Venthyr campaign and timeline of events.

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Everything is either in game or requires some external material (such as the Thousands year war or Chronicles). You don’t need to be from a certain covenant to piece it together. Basically from 9.0 and 9.1 we learn that Denathrius created the Dreadlords and sent them out to spy on the other cosemtic forces. The Light found out about the Dreadlords and attacked Revendreth in retaliation. Maldraxxus refused to assist as the invasion was caused by Denathrius and his creations. Because of this, the current Stonewright created the Stone Legion to defend Revendreth. Wanting to avoid a rebellion and to save face, Denathrius “exiled” the Dreadlords. We can assume that they went to the planet now known as Nathria and continued their spying on the other cosmetic forces. This included manipulating Sargeras by showing him the Voids intentions with the Old Gods. This causes the Titan to kill one of his own to prevent it from becoming a void titan (This is from Chronicles vol 1). After Sargeras does this, he creates the burning legion and a large number of Dreadlords side with him on his grand crusade. At some point during the Thousand Year War (which takes place in the twisting nether), Lothraxxion battles Locus Walker. The Etheral spares the Dreadlord because he saw that Loth will join the Army of the Light in the near future. Which is what happens.

Now you could say that Lothraxxion is a second attempt at spying on the Light but that wouldn’t make much sense given that Xe’ra can read minds. Plus she should be aware of the Dreadlords first attempt at spying on the Light given that she is a Prime Naaru. That is why I think Lothraxxion actually defected for real and is not playing a game. I just find it more interesting for the story if Loth is an actual defector. It shows that the Dreadlords can think for themselves and are not some sort of hivemind that follows the will of Daddy D without question.

Side Note: It would also seem that the original Harvester of Wrath went MIA at some point between Daddy D unveiling the Dreadlords and the Lights invasion of Revendreth. As to the reason why, we have no idea. But we do know that Denathrius used the medallion to uplift the current Harvester of Wrath to that position. This particular plot point wasn’t needed imo.


that’s all well and good but you said the the Dreadlords continued their original plan to spy on the Cosmic forces, what makes you think Lothraxxion is good just because he said “I’m not like those other Dreadlords, I’m a good Dreadlord.”

I did bring this up in my post at the end. So I will not repeat my reasons.

The book is speculating that the plan would work, not that they’d done it at the time of writing.

  1. Dreadlords come up with plan in Revendreth
  2. Dreadlords are “exiled” and become demons
  3. Lothraxion is “caught” and “converts”

The book is not saying they already did their plan.

The book is also speculating that corrupting a Titan and convincing each Cosmic Force to be anti-Void would work.

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Yeah but “the Light Lie detector” is kind of moot when A Thousand Years of War says that the Light is blinded because it doesn’t see the thousand truths the void does. so while Lothraxxion may have convinced them that he’s genuine, and he may be genuine. He’s still infiltrating the Light and he may be still working with Balnazzar in an secret Ashbringer plot left over from Legion which resulting in them staging a fight in the Netherlight Temple, for two purposes 1) to prove Lothraxxion is on the side of the Light to our eyes 2) to have Xal’atath cleanse Saa’ra of her void corruption, thus empowering Xal’atath for her future release.

I am aware of that. However given that the Light attacked Revendreth because they found the Dreadlords trying to sneak into their ranks, it would seem that the Light was one of their first targets.


No, that isn’t the stated reason for why the Light invaded, which isn’t clear nor clarified. They invaded because of “dark experiments” of Denathrius in Sinfall. And we know that the subject of those experiments wasn’t Z’rali since she was left behind during the invasion.

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Clearly you didn’t pay attention to Renathals dialogue during the unseen guests chapter

Prince Renathal says: Countless ages ago, just after the first venthyr were sired, Denathrius unveiled another creation. The nathrezim.

Prince Renathal says: Forged to be the ultimate infiltrators, they bore the influence of Death into the realms of our rivals… as well as the worlds of the living.

Prince Renathal says: Despite their subtlety, one of these incursions was discovered.

Prince Renathal says: In response, the full wrath of the Light fell upon Revendreth, setting ablaze the ward once held by the nathrezim.

One can infer that “one of these incursions” was the Dreadlords trying to spy on the Light. As what happens next is the Lights attack on Revendreth.

Gotta love retcons hey


Sigh that is a retcon

However, it doesn’t affirm Lothraxion = This Incursion

A proto-Lothraxion to be sure, their first attempt, but not Lothraxion proper.

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Never said it was.

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This story is dumb, if the Light knew about the Dreadlords why didn’t it do more than just blast the Ember Ward.

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They tried to. But they were defeated. Most of the naaru involved were killed. Z’arli was imprisoned and experimented on.


Was it ever explained how Lothraxxion became lightforged? did X’era do it?

All I remember is that he said he got tired of consuming fel and that’s when Locus walker found him and urged him to follow the Light because of his prophesy… is there definitive lore on when and how he was changed into the being of Light that he is now?

or for all we know Z’rali could have Lightforged him and that’s what caused her to be touched by death. Z’rali must have been used by Denathrius in some way, she was a prized prisoner of his. There’s room for doubt in Lothraxxion’s story, that’s all I’m saying. tinfoil hat maybe when X’era was using her Light lie detector she found only Z’rali’s light inside him… see I find that a way more interesting story than he choose the Light out of free will, they could even introduce the Naaru as having complicated emotions like vengence, Z’rali could be angry at the other Naaru for leaving her behind or condeming her to Revendreth because she no longer was a true being of Light but touched by Death and that could play well into the Venthyr thinking the Light is prideful, they are Harvesters of Pride after all.

Locus Walker may have urged Alleria to reject all the void whispers as dangerous lies. but…

She saw the Light moving through the cosmos like a ravenous predator. She saw it touch the minds of Azeroth’s mortals - a touch that corrupted them forever. She saw generations live and die in invisible chains, bound to a force that granted them fleeting moments of peace in exchange for absolute obedience.

If I’m right about Zorvall being the Dark Sun or “Light fallen” as I’m calling him now because he may be a fallen Light Lord, because “Dark Sun” has negative connotations and affiliations… this could make this more a dark reality of the Light. Have you ever wondered why most Lich Kings are paladins or people who have a strong tie to the Light? Zorvall is a being devoid of Light all light is being sucked into the void in his chest. if you want more info about the mythology look up Dark Sun/Dark Star, I would go with “Dark Star” because it brings up less of the more unsavory affiliations with a party that must not be named that stole it’s symbol and turned it into a symbol recognized the world over as a symbol of hate.

“too long I have endured the makers flawed design, I will forge a new reality where all shall …serve.”

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Even if Denathrius is a narcissist, it’s the content in which this particular dreadlord is responding.

They are pointing out the fact that they remain loyal. This would only be necessary if someone else would have betrayed him.

Who ever wrote this is obviously trying to “suck up” to Denathrius. Look at X, he betrayed you, he is not Loyal. But me? I remain your loyal servant.

Now, this could be read also as deception in itself. Pointing out that they are loyal, when in fact they are not. Merely to misguide Denathrius.

If that were the case, then it would prove not all Nathrezim are in fact loyal.

Both ways could indicate the same thing, that Nathrezim do not have unweaving loyalty to Denathrius.

Even if Lothraxion is successful now, the fact remains that the Light is the first case of one of the six cosmic forces flushing out a Nathrezim infiltrator. Not only that, the naaru traced them back to their home turf and struck there.

I don’t know whether Lothraxion genuinely defected or he’s a traitor, I just said given the circumstances it’s unlikely he’s a traitor. We don’t know the circumstances of Lothraxion’s Lightforging. If Lothraxion had Z’rali’s Light inside of him and Xe’ra Lightforged him, Xe’ra would’ve also seen the memory of him stealing it from Z’rali, which would enrage her.

Ren’thal and the Stonewright - who were there - say that the Light’s attack on Revendreth was due to a Nathrezim incursion being discovered. This lines up with the words of Z’rali - one of the naaru who launched that retaliatory strike.

You have a point that Varimatharas might have jumped ship to Sargeras, though I’m not sure if it’s right.

Speaking of your theory about Zovaal, that is not the case. The Primus identifies him as the original Arbiter and a fellow Eternal One (Death Titan) like the rest of them. There have only been three Lich Kings, the first Lich King was an Orc Shaman, the second one was a human Paladin and the third was a human Paladin who made the sacrifice to keep the Scourge contained.

Plus “She saw the Light moving through the cosmos like a ravenous predator.” might be one of the dangerous lies of the Void to reject. The Light is hardly the only cosmic force wanting obedience (the Void had a little something called the Black Empire).

the Jailer wanted Tirion not Bolvar. He saw in Tirion the perfect conduit , Anduin is just the next best thing. If the Light never intervened in Legion to steal Tirion’s soul he’d be a minion of the Jailer, either becoming the Lich King or becoming the leader of the Horseman.

I can absolutely put aside the theory that the Jailer is a fallen Light Lord. I admit that just tin foil hat theory crafting on my part, there is very little evidence to support it and like you said a lot of the evidence we have suggests the jailer is just a generic Eternal One and the original Arbiter. I just have a background in studying myth and theology that points me in the direction that the jailer is more cosmic that he seems.

But the Jailer wanted Tirion plot is my personal baby that I’ve held on to since WoLK. (Before I knew the Jailer even existed I knew something wanted Tirion to be the Lich King.)

Tirion would’ve definitely become the leader of the Horsemen if the Light didn’t claim his soul - Tirion gave it willingly so it wasn’t “stolen” by the Light.

I don’t think it’s about Light, since Lich Kings don’t use the Light, and Light is like kryptonite to death (given it’s extra effective against undead and the Ember Ward).

yes but have you seen the Alexandros and Darrion Stay awhile and Listen yet? it seems like fate intervened when it came to Tirion not becoming the leader of the Horseman, that destiny was Darrions. The Light has intervened a few times at Light’s Hope chapel, to protect Tirion.

Then there’s that foresahdowing line “a silver hand is needed to wield a ebon blade.” that seems more like a prophesy than an offhand comment.