Ardenweald is entirely forest

Is this your first time “debating” Treng?

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  1. I didn’t lie.
  2. You called me a NEFPA earlier which has nothing to do with what I’ve posted in this thread, and I’m not a NEFPA.

Yes, you did.

What does that have to do with ad hominem?

If I assume this “thing” I’m arguing with is Treng, then yes, I’d assume so.

And of course you’re going to edit the post, too much of a coward to own up to your own words and statements?

Posts have edit markers on them when edited, liar.

I told you sir, call me a liar again and you’d be reported, so be it… I grow tired of you insulting half the thread posters sir or madam, enjoy your vacation.

Dreadmoore (Trengs) style of debate:

  1. Never admit you are wrong
  2. Double down on every point you make, no matter how ridiculous
  3. Everyone else is lying
  4. When they are not lying, post an educational youtube video describing random fallacy, regardless if it even applies.
  5. Rinse and Repeat until you get bored.

Prove I lied.

Me allegedly being a NEFPA had nothing to do with the points I’ve made.


The Void Elves have a ‘shadow’ aesthetic with a flavouring of lovecraft thrown in, I’m fairly certain none of their imagery or design is keyed to ‘night’ (I might be wrong, since I’ve really only done the recruitment quest for them).
And the Nightborne make sense with that aesthetic because they are supposed to be connected to the Night Elves imagery as a point of their story.

If anything the Night Fae being so heavily based in that imagery is the weird one.


He doesn’t had to because you never prove yourself wrong. Ysera is now not only tied to Ardenweald as one of the most lover spirit but also because of the emerald dream.

You also never prove that Fyzandi have, like the night elf, a world tree the same way as Ardenweald have tirna tree.

You never prove that Fyzandi would have the same nightsong theme as night elf who was also use in Ardenweald.

You never prove that Fyzandi people, like the night elf, have a strong theme connection with the star and night, like Ardenweald.

You never proved that Fyzandi forest would also have the same theme as night elf forest, who also share it with Ardenweald.

You also never proved that Fyzandi people would also revere loa the same way as night elf or troll do. Loa who finally come from ardenweald.

So basically, you never prove how Fyzandi people would be 1/10 as tied to ardenweald as the night elf are.

And all that is even without talking about the story of the zone which is once again:

To me it’s odd that they’re called “Night” Elves, “Wood” Elves to me would have been a better choice of naming nomenclature honestly, Void/Nightborne Elves just seem to much better embody the whole “night nocturnal” theme… so much so that the VE heritage armor is 50% night sky.

I mean he does from time to time but in this thread, no one prove him wrong since all you say is ‘’ forest doesn’t mean night elf so every night elf story in ardenweald doesn’t count’’.

These were not what he originally asked however, he asked and I quote “prove Elune is worshipped across other planets” which I did provide evidence for. It would also be odd for Fyzandi to worship the “Night warrior” and Elune if they didn’t have some connection to night wouldn’t it?

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They’re called ‘night elves’ because they’re supposed to be nocturnal, it was a major part of their original design. WoW heavily obfuscates that fact due to players being obviously diurnal.


Well no? Don’t tauren also revere Elune in a way without having any relation to the night? Also if Elune is really from a life pantheon, would it be weird if anyone would revere her for who she are and not just as a ‘‘night or moon’’ deity?

She is specifically known as the “moon goddess” even in Tauren culture, which seems largely Druidic. So Fyzandi either has a burgeoning Druidic culture like the Tauren/sub culture of Night Elves, or they’re heavily night centric… given it’s descriptor as a largely natural planet, either is possible.

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“Long had the children of the stars dwelled upon the banks of the shimmering waters of the Eternal Well. To all was known that Elune, light of the eternal twilight, aspect and goddess of the moon, dwelt within its waters at such time that she rested from her works. Upon the shores of the Well did the children of the stars, favoured of Elune, build their homes, even as their gaze was trained ever skyward, into the moonlit night. Though there were many towns and places of habitation constructed upon the lakeshore, Ameth’Aran and Bashal’Aran were the foremost, having the touch of Azshara, the Kaldorei’s beloved queen, in their creation. Her favored servitors, those of the highborne, she brought to the twin towns to reside…”

We’ve got nothing to suggesst that Fyazandi’s race was so favored, just that he and his boyfriend were her champions.

I didn’t state that the Night Elves aren’t favored by Elune. Thiernax being made a Night Warrior is proof enough since Elune probably wouldn’t make someone a Night Warrior if she didn’t favor their people.

Probably isn’t definitive.

It’s the stance I take and there isn’t definitive proof one way or the other.