Ardenweald is entirely forest

And yet, there are apparently several planets which DO have all these things, yes? Elune is stated to be worshipped across the cosmos on several planets…


You made a claim.
Prove it.
Find a race that has all of these things in common with night elves.

“Fyzandi is the homeworld of Thiernax, the first known Night Warrior, and his husband Qadarin who described the world as beautiful with vast forests, mighty mountains, and tranquil planes.”-Fyzandi, WoWpedia.

Please stop, as much as I’m admittedly enjoying making you look a fool, it does become…most unbecoming at some point…


Not seeing his race being Elune’s favored.
Not seeing how Fzyandi is blessed by Elune’s pet Ysera to the Emerald Dream.
Not seeing how Fzyandi has a word tree for every tirna tree that exists in Ardenweald.
Not seeing how Fyzandi has the Nightsong.
Not seeing how Fyzandi has a love of stars.
Not seeing how Fyzandi how Fyzandi prefers night time.
Not seeing how Fyzandi prefers deciduous forests.
Not seeing how Fyzandi is tied to Wild Gods.

Thank you for admitting that you were wrong.
Have a pleasant day, Herne.

Reminder that Blessing was tied to the World Tree the Horde burned down.


I love how you say Nelf fans have victim cards, when all you do is cry about literally anything being even slightly adjacent to the nelf aesthetic.

I suppose the colors blue and purple are Nelf-centric too?
Add green to the mix because Malfurion.
Oh, some Nelves have white and ambers eyes… White and Orange are nelf colors.

Anything with Trees, Stars, Nature themes, the colors Purple, Blue, Green, White and Orange, is Nelf-centric. When will Nelf fans be happy? Reeeeeeeeeeeeee


How was I wrong? He has a direct connection to Elune, also Ysera isn’t connected to WQ or Ardenweald, she originates from Freya, a titan keeper of the Emerald dream… an extension of Eonar the life Titan (in other words Alexstrasza and Ysera are closer to the Emerald dream). I’d also like to point out that other than trees which are nothing in particular (they’re alien/other dimensional trees) and night, Ardenweald has none of that either. Normal trees don’t suck up anima, and as stated, the night aesthetic predates Night Elves and most other mortal civilizations, you’re creating false correlations where there are only loose thematic ties.


Tyrande has Black Eyes
Nelves have Blue Skin
Elune is related to a Goddess of Death…

Sylvanas is blue, wears black, and is associated with death.
Sylvanas is nelf-centric guys.
Sylvanas is a Nelf character.


What? She has an entire page devoted to how she’s received a portion of the WQ’s life force – that the WQ can never get back – and is bound now to both AW and WQ.

Thiernax was made a Night Warrior which is a role given to those who are dedicated enough to Elune, she can have more than one favored race. People wouldn’t worship Elune if she didn’t respond to them.

He made this thread to complain about Night Elf posters because he dislikes that he has competition to act like a victim.


Than you didn’t play the night fae story campaign or even 9.1 campaign. It isn’t just the aesthetic at all. Out of 3 race who should have strong link with that zone, night elf are the only being well represented there while troll are only a side thing and tauren are just forget.

Let see what we had to do in that zone. Ardenweald story line: haft saving the zone, have saving a very very affiliated night elf dragon who nearly always talk about night elf.

Night fae campaign: A bit of saving Ardenweald again, helping a bit the troll after life but making sure to know that they aren’t really welcome in Ardenweald and more about saving the night elf leader with the help of actual ardenweald people.

9.1: Trying to protect ardenweald again and even more of saving the night elf leader again… Troll who?

Let not forgot all those dialogue in the zone about night elf, the daily quest asking us to save night elf soul and nobody else and finally, some hint about the relation of the winter queen and Elune, which is nearly exclusive to the night elf at this point. Oh and let not forgot how even night elf loa are better represented than troll loa…
Than we can finally add the aesthetic of the zone who have a lot of resemblance with the night elf one.

But of course the only thing that night elf player try to defend is ‘’ all forest doesn’t mean night elf zone!!!’’ because at this point, they know very well that they can’t even argue about the story not being night elf…


Have a read.

She loved Thiernax. Nothing suggests his race was Her favorite, since we have Word of God that it’s Night Elves.
Lie less, Evelyssa. No one takes anything you say seriously.

Elune let him died while she couldn’t let Tyrande die.

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Ad hominem doesn’t make you look mature.


Ad hominem is attacking an opponent not in regards to their argument. Your argument was a lie.

I’ll be DAMNED if he thinks he can out-victim me!

This basically is an argument on thematics, using in-universe timelines kind of misses the point. The night elves were the originators for the night aesthetic in the Warcraft franchise, so it isn’t… wrong to compare newer versions to them.

I wouldn’t go so far as to correlate that to Ardenweald as entirely Night Elf themed, but the thematic connections are still pretty heavy.


You still haven’t proven me wrong, Ardenweald has maybe one or two of those, and one of them is also tied to the Emerald dream as explained…

Also that page doesn’t come from a credible source, the brokers are operating off of third person retellings and secondhand “accounts” of such topics, according to The Emerald Dream’s page all winged creatures go to G’hanir, even the Broker who wrote the text states that he is unsure of what he wrote.

She let hundreds of Night Elves die so… :man_shrugging:

To be fair, I think everyone is ignoring the fact that the Void Elves and Nightborne also share said aesthetic…


I didn’t have to. You did that for me, when you couldn’t find any evidence to support your arguments other than “His planet had forests.”

I had no idea that shaldorei and void elves were bound to the emerald dream and were druids who loved nature!

You asked for proof Elune was worshipped across multiple planets, I gave that to you, now stop moving goalposts…


No I didn’t.
Quote it.