I piked up the new quest line for Ardenweald, and Quadrin dissipated on me and there is no way to turn in Spriggan Snares, and A little Prunning. I also can not pick up the 3rd quest Broken Webs. Not sure what happened but after I talked to him turning in the first quest he sprinted off the screen. Logging in and out did not work.
Confirmed, broken questline
I was able to do it. If you abandon all the quests. then u need to spam click Quadrin to accept both quests from him. He disappears real quick but after a couple of attempts. I got them both. That allowed me to pig up the 3rd quest (spriggan snares) and complete all 3. I think the bug comes from the WQ
What a janky a$$ way to have to get around this. Even if you complete the WQ first, the bug still occurs.
yeah real janky. but hey it works
I was finally able to pick them up, and turn them in but I had to abandon them and pick them up, really quickly. I could not read the quest line or the guy who follows you will fade out.
This happened to me, I did the abandon thing, in hopes of getting the NPC to spawn again. Now I am stuck, with no NPC to pick up the quest from. Ticket says 24 hours to resolve what a clusterf*ck.
Same issue except I got all but “Spriggan Snares” turned in so I can’t just ditch it and hope he respawns.
I also put in a ticket so here’s hoping they fix it.
It’s almost like firing the majority of your staff with no warning has consequences eh Blizzard?
I’m to the point of trying to get the next quest in line, “The Garden of Night”, but it made the NPC go poof and jumped me into the world quest which was the same as the quest I had just finished. Now the WQ is done, and still no NPC to start this quest. I can’t drop any quests because I turned them all in =/ this is a hot mess. I just want to know what happened to the old Night Warrior T_T also need that progress.
This. Really frustrating.
Yah that’s where I am too
Ardenweald campaign quests are dead in the water.
And they replied to the ticket saying they can’t do anything post it under bugs here if it a bug. lol
Yeah, completed Broken and Pruning. Turned them in. Then found Spriggan Snares. Since the deer guy split after turning in the first two it doesnt matter if you abandon and redo or abandon and go back to the head of the trail looking for deer guy, he isn’t coming back.
so… to try and turn in quest, we hang around and spam click on someone else’ helper??? as I cannot turn in “Spriggan Snares”
I tried that but nothing happens. Also if you mean wait for them to finish to see if the ? appears. It doesn’t. At least not for me.
I completed the other two campaign quests before seeing the Spriggan Snares quest. I picked this one up, finished the requirements, and went to turn in, but no NPC.
I then completed the World Quest in the area, thinking that was the issue, no NPC. I abandoned the quest, picked it back up, completed the requirements again, no NPC. I left the area and came back,no NPC.
I’ve logged the bug, but in the meantime, completely stuck like the rest of you.
so i’m stuck too. in my ticket, i told them i had already abandoned and did it 4 times… i partied up and tried to use other dude’s “helpful soul”… nothing. there’s no where further to go. i hope after the WQ is over, it resolves. they don’t seem as though they’re interested in fixing it. i did the WQ and turned in the first two. no stag to turn in Spriggin Snares… but Shandris is still hanging around and joins me everytime i enter the garden of night for no reason it seems…