Arcane talent tree needs to be reworked

While I hope something like this happens, and would love to see Arcane get some attention, I’m not holding my breath. Because there’s a logical/statistical reason why it wouldn’t happen, or at least why it isn’t a priority.

Over the last two weeks, in LFR, Normal, Heroic, & Mythic there were 7,706,630 parses between the 26 different DPS specs.
Arcane represented 123,355 of those parses, 1.60%.
Compared to Frost that had 412,163 parses, 5,35%.
If all specs were split evenly that’d be 296,408, 3.85%. So at least in Raid, Arcane is well under the average number of players, and Frost is well above. And that’s with Arcane being a “top” DPS Spec.
Fire is undertuned and still had more parses than Arcane at 175,398, 2.28%.
And that’s just raid. No clue what it looks like when you add in Mythic+, PvP, and people just enjoying content other than those 3 options.

All that to say, if it came down to evaluating where their time is best spent, something that’s performing “well-enough” and not played by many, may not be high on the list.
Is that how they determine what specs get a rework? Fudge if I know, but a lot of popular specs definitely got one.
But there’s ample information from the OP and other posters within this thread if they ever need a launching point :smiley:

First time ive seen someone who actually knows what theyre talking about when it comes to arcane at the top end. Praying blizzard takes this stuff into consideration with any class changes going into war within. My other complaint aswell is related to temporal warp.

Haste is amazing on arcane but only within your surge window, otherwise its just a free mana dump. With PI + Double lust aswell the mana regen even from surge cant even keep up with how much youre burning that if youre not careful you go OOM for mini burn. Not even mentioning the actual usage of it, thats been screamed enough about in posts lol.

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I’ve been rocking harmony in fort weeks recently even pushing some 25’s and 26’s. It’s definently really straining to play, and takes alot more focus than barrage spam though lol. I’ve found that when a pack is coming near to dying (similar to SL stacking harmony at end), I instead sit on a charge of our 4pc ready to use, and instead build up 2 more stacks if battery if I can. Makes it so going into the next pack you can go into a surge → barrage → magi → clearcast missiles 4pc (generates last charge of battery giving you another artillery proc)-> barrage-> and immediately into another 4pc missiles. It does upwards of like 1m-2m dps in 5 target, and insanely high with more cause of echo (no aug) its absolutely insane but takes some insane build up to execute aswell as rng. It’s really fun, can work, but I only recommend it in like some lower target dungeons like throne of tides with consistent 3t-5t. Things like everbloom basically locked into orb barrage


I never liked Temporal Warp and have only begrudgingly begun using it on ST-focused encounters simply because TA is a lot weaker in those instances.

I would prefer if it were replaced with a capstone talent that gives mage specs the other spec CDs at greatly reduced effectiveness when they cast their cd with updated visual effects.

An example would be Arcane Surge getting x% crit and y% haste with reskinned combustion/iv. Hell keep the effects. Triune Ward looked cool maybe some spellfrostfire spells would be cool too.

I just think it’s neat.


I need to find someone like you rocking harmony and see it done well. I’ve tried to do it a few times now and see so much potential in it, but end up flat far too often, and had trouble tracking harmony charges and arcane charges and 4-piece stacks…(meaning I would too often launch a full harmony barrage with zero arcane charges and such) so I had to abandon it, you guys make me jealous, because I could really see harmony as a total killer if I could get the stacks and delivery right. The crazy chain you describe is exactly what I kept hunting, but rarely landed.

I could probs record a run or two, It’s always fun when I get pugs question marking my talents asking if im in raid spec and then top the meters. It’s just a different playstyle, one I enjoy even if its still slightly worse than orb barrage cause of savant benefit but I’m here for a good time not a long time lmao

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You would have at least 1 viewer ;). I’ve tried multiple times to make it work and I cannot get there, but I’d love to see it.