Arcane mage, the fastest class alive

My last game as a Hunter, my dispel didn’t remove Alter Time even with prayer.

So this “Yo, just dispel” talk don’t stick

oh since you play hunter, i play aff. hunter feigns off my damage. So how about we just remove it since it is so broken against MY class/spec.


4 blinks. lmao so youre just angry because you lost a fight.

Mages counter paladins. They always have because you use magic for everything.

Don’t want to be countered? Go play a dh, hunter, assassin rogue, or dk and spam range snares and rapid fire until your heart’s content.


Bubble is stupid. Imagine being immune to damage but still able to attack and heal yourself.

Lay on hands is stupid, imagine you about to die and you just push one button for a full health heal…

Should I continue? How about you turning into a range caster with judgement spam that automatically hits you for a minimum of 10% health but it also crits and increases with damage modifiers while you heal with word of glory…

Ok, I’m done.

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This is my mage foo…I know you didnt just complain about bubble when alter, blast wave and 0 arcane charge 50 percent snare+speed boost spam exist

Go fight some dhs, dks, assassin rogues, and hunters (literally any of them) then meet back here and tell me that any of those abilities help you in any of those fights.

And I am not asking for any of those classes for nerfs…they just counter us just like we counter paladins. We always have. It is what it is.


Im flabbergasted…I mean hunter does a lot of damage yeah, but no melee should give you problems if you play right

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Arcane mage does a lot of damage to except trying to catch up with a arcane mage is infinitely worse than catching up with a hunter.

Use tranq darts. If you don’t lottery dispel it, it still gets reduced by 4s which tbh can screw the mage just as hard. You also get the benefit of reducing 7 of its other micro buffs by 4s. Insanely underutilized talent. Paladin, rdruid, mage, warlock,etc. all completely hinge on various rotational magic buffs and a lot of them are 6-8s in duration to begin with.

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Blink doesnt remove chains so I know you made this post because you lost a match because you just got outplayed by your counter class.

Yet another post of melee being like grrr I want to dominate all casters by swamping them 24/7 like I do locks, shaman, hunters, and priests. Grr

No i just want to have a chance and be able to have contact for more than 4 seconds

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I hear you but you have to remember you aren’t the ONLY class we have to deal with. None of these mobility tactics work against hunters, casters, dks, dhs, assassin rogues, and ww. For those melee classes, its constant snare spam so kiting doesn’t really work. Hunters sniper shot/rapid fire/chakram.explosive shot combo literally destroys us and its on short cooldown.

Similarly, the mage isn’t the only person on a team peeling for the mage.

I keep seeing mages use the “we’re just the rock to your scissors bro” argument because hunters do a ton of damage to them. I don’t really feel like one class giving mages a hard time balances out the entire category of specs that struggle into it.

I named other classes… I didn’t say just hunters. They are just the ones that kill us the fastest imo.

Honestly, the way mages want sympathy for dealing with hunters. Warriors want that same sympathy for mages. Circle of life, my friend.

Literally, anytime a hunter is in the match, I just hide/los while the other class that counters them sits them the whole match (warriors/dks/dhs/monks mostly). Rapid fire just tickling them with their plate/mail. GG lol

You can’t see the why behind the complaints?

Play marks and drill them at 65 yards

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No I don’t. Considering I get torn apart if melee or god forbid a hunter hits me.

Lets just remove the mobility and make arcane trash tier again instead of A tier.