Arcane Mage needs help in PvP


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Nothing more beautiful than watching those Missiles fly and delete melee.

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You mean toxic gameplay that is hardly countered? sure lol

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i don’t think you picked a very good video

legion arcane was silly but this is just a game venruki wins because he’s playing with tournament players against idiots

Its really funny, in BFA they absolutely gutted Missiles (only could stack 1 at a time rofl) without arcane empowerment. Then they were like, that was harsh, and allowed them to stack back to 3 even outside of PVP (but never even returned the visual that shows when you have more than 1 proc) and then let empowerment stack to 5. But its near impossible to get 5 stacks cause of the garbage proc rate.

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Those players were on dominating gladiator mounts

crap like that used to happen with legion arcane all the time

Yea to be fair, arcane was very viable in legion. It even won Blizzcon one season.

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LOL so what? they played that game AWFUL

the warrior banners nothing, the feral completely ignores the mage when wild charge stun and skull bash are two of the most applicable tools for arcane mobility in that era(ferals back then were even playing balance affinity for more range on those tools, at least in fmp), none of the warrior peels enter the game, the priest doesn’t trinket the stun he takes dmg in or the mc that causes ray to kill him

it’s a 2200 game in what’s probably the first couple weeks of the season, so i’m not gonna call those players bad, but they did not play that game like humans with eyes and hands. any 1800 warrior in modern times will fear venruki on AP at that range and storm bolt the trinket, and any 1800 hpriest will trinket mc rather than just let negative ray murder them

stand by what i said, it’s not a good clip to showcase anything. you might as well link a clip of killing a torghast boss with convoke

idk if you played legion or not, doesn’t look like it but you’d understand if you played against it

if you played warrior or any melee without a ranged kick, you were pmuch at a huge disadvantage vs arcane mage who had unlimited mobility and could poly while doing so

pop arcane power mark of aluneth boom pce bro yer gone like a five guys burger when daym drops gets one

i did, and yeah i know that

i said that the video shows off nothing to that effect though, and i was right. there are 20 legion specs that could do what this clip shows; he doesn’t do anything silly with mobility to kill the priest and the star of the video is how totally the enemy team fails to react to burst cooldowns+stun


Arcane doesn’t have displacement anymore, all melee have improved gap closers since then. Game is much different. Arcane getting a damage buff wouldn’t change that.

Want them to make changes just so another Venruki thread isn’t bumped to the top every day for eternity

Fair, regardless of lack of mobility being shown, the burst was also pretty stupid. From what I remember, it was almost all instant casts with AP up but could be wrong.

Yeah displacement was annoying but it was moreso the amount of blinks arcane had and the ability to cast while doing so.

There was close to no counter play to it besides like banner as a war in legion, yeah we have intervene now but we didn’t then.

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not to be edgy but i think the game is often made better when there are specs that can just harshly discourage double melee. i’ve played melee in and against every kind of comp and the least fun games i’ve ever experienced myself are consistently cleave vs cleave


I agree with this somewhat, I q’d tsg/dh war a lot in s7 but also played a lot of WMP in Legion, just always felt useless vs arcane regardless of their comp.

tbh, i suppose im super biased legion arcane is probably my least all time favorite spec to play vs

Stop it.

Arcane isn’t ever going to be viable in comparison to fire because of the utility/kit fire brings to the table and you know this. The spec definently doesn’t function ideally due to low damage output consistently, but it has a nasty burst. Numbbing has shown this repeatedly.

Nerf fire before you need to see about buffing arcane.

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While Arcane’s burst can be nasty, Venthyr burst is dispellable and both Venthyr and Kyrian burst is interruptible, so this is not a reason to keep / wait with the buffs.

Nerfs to Fire wouldn’t help Arcane Mage start to shine much. As I pointed earlier, it has many drawbacks and vulnerabilities and they will not go anywhere from this. Moreover, nerfs addressed at Fire might make Arcane just worse than it was like it happened with Triune nerf.

The better way to make Arcane work alongside Fire would be to give him some niche that Fire doesn’t cover. From design point of view Arcane even has one - it could be the best anti-caster spec of all 3 mage specs as its Prismatic Barrier and Kleptomania do push in this direction. There are just 2 major problems with it - 1) current meta is too melee-heavy and trained by melee cleave Arcane has trouble with doing damage and 2) Arcane lost some of tools that helped him against casters like Improved Counterspell and does not have instant and long enough CC to compete with other caster combos like Mortal Coil + Fear. If these issues were addressed, Arcane could be more viable, but that is a separate topic. What it currently needs are suggested things like damage bumps, un-nerfs and undispellable procs, at least as a beginning.

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can we at least get arcane orb baseline, get nether tempest buffed and see supernova damage buffed so its worth taking??? I miss playing with that, but orb is required basically.

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I was thinking the perfect niche for Arcane would be a reverse alter time. Used on enemy target and reverse them back to current position. Give it some clever chrono related name

*Make it undispellable and unremovable like thoughtsteal.
*Have the downside be if you reverse alter someone and they die, you bring them back.
*Possibly and I strongly imply you should give the person under it the really cool effects you see when your fighting Murozond and hit the clock and time rewinds
*Have it work on friendly players and enemy players
*Did I say and strongly imply the person under it should see the really cool effects of time rewinding like when you fight Murozond??