Arcane has the worst AoE rotation in the entire game

The solution to those issues you present is presence of mind and shimmer. You can easily get your burst rotation off every 45 seconds with complete mobility. Also the AOE rotation is 100% mobile regardless. Kyrian arcane is not the turret spec of the past.


I quit playing shadow specifically because of its aoe rotation

That spec plays like hot garbage right now

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Shadow priest reminds me of arcane in that its theme and visuals are amazing, but the playstyle is a hot mess.

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Every time I see a shadow priest I think how cool they look… then I log onto mine and try to play it and instantly remember why I don’t :frowning:


I’m trying to level a priest currently, and it sucks big time except when I can heal dungeons. If they replaced Insanity with a better system, I’d enjoy it more. I don’t think I have liked the shadow toolkit since they removed the shadow orbs.

Frost aoe rotation: icy vains, frozen orb, blizzard, shifting power, blizzard, then ice lance, blizzard.

Go into the talent that grants you two charges when casting AE albeit at 50% chance, but it reduces the casts of AE by a lot. so it looks more like this.

AEx2 AB AEx2 AB + Arcanic Cull Legendary. Good AOE if you’re spec’d into the AoE talents but crappy ST damage. YAYYYYYYYY! also gotta worry about being in melee. So yeah, Arcane’s AoE SUCKS.

Sorry for the late reply but this expansion Combustion in practice ends up being used sooner than Arcane Power due to Kindling and Shifting Power.

That may be true.

But Kyrian Arcane also has a mini-burn at the 45 second mark that is fairly powerful.

Complexity or level of boring?

Complexity, SPriest takes that one.

Level of boring, torn between Sub Rogue and DH.

Arcane AoE is literally just explosion and barrage spam while using procs to missles if you’re using the lego.