Arathor horde looking for a guild

Hello I am looking for a casual/ social guild I’m a bit new to wow and want nice people to do raids with or just group up. I am a lvl 120 warlock ilvl is 380 sorry if I’m not doing this right I am a bit green but I’m trying.

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Hello, we are recruiting:

How Long On Brez | Horde | Mal’Ganis

We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1:00am-3:30am CST


Sorry but those times will not work for me I’m asleep by 11pm east coast time. Bit thanks for the invite seems tough to find a guild no one’s said anything even asking in-game / trade chat. Just want a frndly group to play / raid with.

Hello! Mind if you give us a try? We are active. We are building a raid team for Friday/saturday 7pm-11pm EST.

Found a Green Quest (Est. March 2018) a horde PVE guild with a cross-realm community is located on Zul’jin. We’re a small but growing fun, friendly, social family. We have a big focus on fun in and out of Azeroth.

We host community events such as fun contests, leveling groups, crazy mythics/dungeons/raids and more!

If you would like more information, have any interest or have any questions please reach out to me on here, or discord.

Real ID: Kiua#1912
Discord: Kiuayoukai#2395

Hi there!

My name is Kanielese and i am the GM of Dracarys Productions on Bleeding-Hollow(HORDE).

We are a fun, friendly, down to earth group of people just looking to have fun.

We run mythic’s WEEKLY(Pushing 10’s and beyond)
We run raid Tues/Thurs 8:30-11:00pm EST
We like to do mog/mount/achievement runs
We run stuff on our Alt’s
We will HELP those who ask for it

Here is what I want:

Core members-
~Be on time for raid (IRL stuff happens, please just let me/guild know if you will be late or unable to make it)
~ Be engaging and helpful to those who need it
~ Be patient and respectful of other raiders
~Contribute to the guild bank every week

Casual Members:
~Be engaging with the guild (GC, alt runs, etc.)
~Contribute to guild bank weekly
~Be helpful to other members when they need and be respectful

What is needed(For Raid):
Tank( Pally, Monk, DK)

IF you are interested feel free to add me on bnet or discord, i am ALWAYS available!

Unfortunately right now im waiting to make a new toon/ relm for the new allied race (fox) and I don’t want to change my relm with the toon I have. Thank yous for the offer wish we had the same relm. Srry I’m at work r.n. MY BATTLE TAG IS—- amec240 #11885

Our guild will be hosting leveling parties for the Vulpera allied race.

:grin: good to know as soon as I can make one I would love to join

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Feel free to add me on real ID. Kiua#1912 We are also organizing things for the party in our discord.