Kael’thas, grieving over his father’s corpse: Never again will Quel’thalas have a king
Weirdo faction brained Kael “fans”: Quel’thalas should have a king and it should be Kael’thas
Also the game really just treats the Arathi as humans with a slight extra so I’m dubious there’d be horde-only Arathi (and please I’m so sick of Blood Knights hogging the racial spotlight on my belf alt, I’d pay literal money to just skip back to red high elves and farstrider overdrive over that nonsense), I assume they’d be neutral since bliz hasn’t done faction-locked races in a while.
Oh this is a good valid point being mix race the effects could have been lessen or like you said they may have withered and died off. Anti-climatic but extremely realistic… but call me intrigue! lol Wooooo
I have to admit that when I read your comment it made me laugh… so blunt, so dream crushing… like: “Yeah no, they all probably died so don’t dwell on it”
I freaking love it!
Highly unlikely speculation
Also I don’t think this is the case in that Side Quest Dungeon but if the Sun Well has a bit of Death juice since the time of its initial corruption to resurrect Kel’thuzad and the Arathi elven bloodline has any type of connection it would explain the light undeath now that it’s infuse with Light juice. Highly unlikely but it could be a side effect discovered recently by that NPC that went crazy resing Light Undead… or just its just like SL told it Necromacy is Necromancy and it does not change other than the energy use to animate the dead.
That may actually explain a lot when considering the Arathi. They clearly have Light/Arcane/Fire motifs and their Sacred Flame is centered on it, but the Light Undead is new to WoW (save for Calia) but it would also help explain that nearly 20 years ago when the Sunwell was corrupted that all those High Elves and Half Elves living in the Arathi Empire would have felt it and would have wanted to explore the change in their connection to the mother country that lingers in their memories like a distant dream. Those that felt the undeath in their corrupted Sunwell or the magical fount would have wanted to explore and replicate the outcomes thus Light made undead… This all lines up to well to be mere coincidence. Maybe a prelude of things to come in the future.
Like the average arathi in Hallowfall is probably more “distant elven ancestry” than half, but Hallowfall does sort of vaguely imply there may have been actual elves who died off early.
Agree, I think WoW is going with Arathi, how ESO did the with the Breton… basically the the elves and human mingle until the became its own race, with its own racials.
Hmmm I wonder it they will just add pointed ears to our existing human races and more rounded ears to the Thalassian elves or Blizz will actually add another new race with its own racials like how they did with the Lightforge and Void elves?
I’m very curious to see what they decide in the end.
With humans and Kul’tirans getting the pointed elven ear option, my guess is we’ll be getting Fae’rin and her group going alliance and possibly the Harronir going horde?
I’ll concede Nallorath could certainly be in the Arathi Empire. Although Kael’thas was known as Anasterian’s only son, I think that could as easily be chalked up to Nallorath breaking his father’s heart by leaving with the Arathi. He was a Kirin Tor magus, so I imagine he was already quite open to working alongside humans.
I don’t think this would mean he has a claim to the throne of Quel’Thalas, of course. I imagine for him, he left Quel’Thalas behind long ago. If he returns, it’d be to pay his respects to his father’s grave. I can’t seem him having any feelings about a brother he never knew.
LOL can you imagine if the Arathi end up joining the Horde?
Oh, the uproar, the drama, forums burning or the salty tears that the most PURE light righteous humans would DARE join with the monstrous looking evil Horde as some of my friend would call it… LMAO…ah…IT.BE.GLORIOUS!
Joking to the side I agree that this would be the most likely scenario and what everyone would expect if Arathi would become playable race along with Harronir.
Prince Nallorath Sunstrider may not want the crown of Quel’thelas, but perhaps his son or grandson. Imagine a half elf emperor in the Arathi Empire with a direct unbroken line connecting him to the legacy of Strom and Quel’thelas. The right to rule while tenuous it would be a legal claim of inheritance especially if said Emperor also had an army to back up his claims. If he were to marry Calia Menethil’s daughter then Elune help us. The man would have such a claim to all the Northern Eastern Kingdoms that none would be able to refute it. While Regent Lord Lor’themar can insist his rights are null. The Army of Arathor can say, “Wrong.” At that point should Midnight pan out the way I think… The Emperor would have legitimacy by blood or by marriage or both to the entirety of Lordaeron/Alterac/Stromgarde/Dalaran/Quel’thelas.
The reason he would have an ironclad right to these countries is by virtue of his Arathi blood and Quel’thelas if he is a child or grandchild of Prince Nallorath Sunstrider, he can proclaim by right of ascension and right of the candidate house to replace the extinct Sunstrider line of Anasterian as his father or grandfather’s claim precedes even the old King’s. I doubt the elves of Quel’thelas would take kindly to such a claim, but even the Thalassians would be hard pressed to justify making his claims moot in the light of his parentage and the army of half elves at their doors. Especially if the Sunwell becomes corrupted by the Void as many suspect will happen and the only way to purify it would be in the Sacred Flames held by the Emperor himself.
Personally, I can’t see why the Arathi Emperor would have an interest in Quel’Thalas. The Empire has been described as highly insular, and to the best of my knowledge, we haven’t seen Blood Elves being given any hint of special treatment from the Arathi.
You’d think if High Elves in the Empire, or the elven bloodlines, were remotely important that Arathi seeing Blood Elves appear would hold them in awe and refer to them with titles of respect.
“The Elders!”
Something to that effect.
The complete and utter indifference towards Blood Elves in particular, let alone humans, makes me feel that the Arathi do not hold the old world in any sort of regard. If they did, I’m pretty sure they’d all have been bowing down before Anduin as their new Emperor or something. Blizzard can’t help itself in blowing smoke up that boy’s backside.
The casual attitude of the Arathi towards both humans and elves, really drives home this idea that they don’t care about them or their lands. Their only interest is in following the dictates of their Emperor, of confronting Renilash. What happens after is always up to debate, but as of right now, it doesn’t seem like the Empire has any interest in the world beyond its borders.
Would it surpass the Nightbourne drama? I feel like this would be similar.
The main issue I would have with this plot twist is the Kalimidor Horde has been absolutely withering when it comes to actual plot relevance that isn’t being beaten with the villain bat. The core trio needs some love before we start making the faction even more elfy.
I still hold onto the belief that Blizzard gave Faerin the Lothar surname as a way to say “yes, these Arathi are related to the ones that remained on Lordaeron” in game. To give it some legitimacy outside of “word of god”. Unfortunately certain groups hated that because reasons.
I think that’s likely to change as this expansion plays out and this lost tribe of half elves will likely play a bigger role in the future should we have to confront the final battle of Light vs Shadow in Midnight. I think they’re laying down the basis for a story where the Half Elves will likely become major players in the events that will have us return to Quel’thelas and beyond. I think we really don’t know much if anything and the Arathi are written in a way where we can’t know what will cause the Arathi Empire to join the greater world and what those on their continent will say about their cousins on the other side of the world.
I have a feeling that the Arathi are currently very insular and will likely change in the upcoming expansion or as this story plays out. If the Hallowfall Arathi make contact with their homelands. I wonder how they’ll react to us in the Eastern Kingdoms. I have a feeling that the elder elves and half elves of the Arathi Empire will be more willing to see what is happening at the Sunwell. I have a feeling their emperor will not be idle in these next 2 years.
The whole thing of making guys who are frankly not even half elves a significant force for Midnight on the basis of a monarchy that ended in the third war is just genuinely off putting to me.