Arachnophobia mode?

I still remember the fond days of my PVP with my Big Grey Furry Spider Cuddles…and to watch many players just run away cause of her …LMAO…it was quite hilarious to watch…she sure did love to pull flagged Horde out of the sky that were swooping close by…she grab and spider web then down to the ground and stun them…then I kill them…hehe

On the contrary, I love lobsters… they’re not venomous or ugly as heck. Kinda cute actually…

Arachnophobia is generally a personal issue, unless you’re in the way when I go to smack the living Hades out of the spider… THEN it’s a you issue.

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If the setting impacted other people at all, I think I would mind it more.
It’s a cosmetic feature, local to the client, that acts as a quality-of-life function for the people that have more severe forms of a phobia.

I honestly don’t see the reason why they couldn’t just add that in.

For software development, if the feature is low-cost and will help people, most of the time project leads will just approve of it, so long as the change is data driven. (In this case it was. They cited stats for a reason)

I don’t really understand why people get so pent up about cosmetic features that barely would take time away from literally any development process. (not saying you are, as you said, you don’t care personally)

If people are leaving the game over incredibly small stuff like that, they honestly never liked the game in the first place and are just rage baiting.

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You really shouldn’t chime in using terms you do not understand the meanings of.

Confession through projection.

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You’re very bad at this

I just think it’s interesting that I’ve never heard anyone complain about spiders in WoW for 20 years, and even after this was announced, I never heard anyone express “finally!”.
If people who are offput by blocky pixel-spiders are playing WoW, there’s certainly fewer of them than there are of people in the camp of “I’m sure those people exist, why do you care?” :joy:

I think it’s funny how people get offended on behalf of a seemingly imaginary niche group of people. Modern times feels like nothing more than wanton virtue signaling, in this case by blizz (again) and that offended group of payers.

PS- I don’t deny that there are people who are uncomfortable at the sight of anub-arak. I can feel nauseated or weak in the knees by heights and/or falling in video games.

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… the irony…

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The only people ive seen get offended are the ones mad this feature got added to the game

Really? Hahah, I’d love to see the kind of things they would say :joy:

If you look at the first reply to this thread, that guy is kind of an example of like being a bit hyperbolic, and has a lot of ‘likes’. I’m just reading it now, and I have some sort of form of arachnophobia and super don’t care about spiders in WoW, in fact I think they look cool lol

I just thought it funny they turned spiders into the ocean equivalent of spiders.

But yeah, I generally agree with the sentiment that the development time could have been better spent on updated visuals for some classes that are still rocking 2010 effects.

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Good point, like the crab/makura in WoW are far more unsettling than the spiders.

If there are people truly angry that a feature exists that is ‘not for them,’ they can jog on. Their me-centric universe probably needs quite a few more wake up calls.

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A bit late to the party but my first thought about this mode took me back to my reaction to the chains in Torghast.

Images of spiders are no problem for me (I have an instinctive reaction to recoil if turn over a leaf to find a big spider sitting there, but it’s very mild). On the other hand I’m not good with heights. There was something about the optical illusion created by climbing along the big chains in Torghast that really messed with my sense of balance and sent my head spinning. At first it was “oh, that’s cute and atmospheric”, but the vertigo just never went away on further runs. If anything, it got more distracting, to this point where I just started skipping anything that required running along a chain (until they added the little teleporters).

So that’s my personal reference point for sympathizing with people who do have strong arachnophobia.

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Oh? Really?





You have a fear of spiders but crabs you are good with?

That’s the only eye brow raise I did when I heard of this.

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I’m waiting for the alternate Arachnophobia Mode War Within Trailer since it’s got arachnids all over it. When it the crab version coming?

Yes. It doesn’t make any sense. But that’s how it works. Crabs don’t have a bunch of legs sprawling around and articulating, crabs don’t have mandible fangs. Crabs don’t have a lot more eyes than I do. I don’t know what it is.

And while it does have real life consequences (I’m that guy who checks corners and ceilings at home or anywhere that isn’t professionally cleaned) I have more stomach to react and dispose of spiders in my house than, say, my mother. Obviously the exotic ones are a hell no and I wouldn’t want to live in Australia but the most common ones I can deal with and address on my own, thank you.

But yes, as weird as it sounds, the depictions of enormous spiders that are so common in video games (especially fantasy settings) cause sweaty palms and eventual shouting and walking away from the game. I played a YouTube video of wow spiders on my phone the other day talking about this issue, and it was like I had to pivot the screen away from me a bit at first and eventually just close the player when one of the named huge ones showed up. I don’t do that one boss on Everbloom and I’m glad M+ skips it.

It means having to abandon things I love. I eventually gave up on the Zelda series after the introduction of Skulltulas despite playing every single game since the original gilded cartridge. I did beat Ocarina/Majora in an attempt to keep my record alive, though Forest and Darkness temples were torturous. By Twilight Princess I realized I just couldn’t keep doing this anymore.

I think Bloodborne currently holds the most “oh heck no” record (out of SimAnt which caused this problem for me in the first place). Those things rear up on their back legs and swing their front ones at you, that’s crazy.

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hahah, that is so interesting!

Thanks for this :slight_smile:

Know what would be cool, if you could upload your own image. and have like a picture of your cat, dog, and adorable dune buggy…

I find this arachnophobia mode to be funny. What about Ophidiophobia(fear of snakes) mode there are a lot of snakes :snake: and snake people.

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