Arachnophobia mode?

i think being so scared of pixel spiders you need to toggle them off is ridiculous
I think the existence of the toggle is stupid
but I also think that the existence of the toggle doesn’t affect me at all, so from that viewpoint, I don’t care about it.


Does it turn them into something else? I want it to turn my spider enemies into the members of Winnie the Pooh.

Or better yet… Teletubbies. Imagine getting mauled to death by a swarm of Tinky-Winkies and Laa-Laas.

Turns them into crabs

If a salaried employee works on their own time, it is no extra cost to the company. The employee never gets paid for working in their free time. The only way an employee would get paid is if the company does comp time.

What was changed?

Where does it end? There’s a ton more fears than just arachnophobia out there that will expect to be recognized. That’s the precedent.


I’m terrified of spiders, but I think this is a complete waste of resources.
Not being able to tell the difference between what is real, and what is a collection of pixels
is a personal issue.
One that you should work on. Not be catered to.
Continuing to hide, won’t make you stronger.
I understand that game devs have to cater the user to some extent, but it should be in the
content area, not something that only effects a small fraction of people. Who, to be honest, should’nt be catered to.
Don’t mean to offend. I’m just a realist.

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Hi slippery slope fallacy
Bi slippery slope fallacy


This is regards to a phobia, not schizophrenia.

oh you’re full of it, nevermind

Call that a ridge.

Cuz it goes both ways.


I’m scared of clothing, can’t Blizzard do something about that in game?


They just put in hide pants

What about that statement makes kijo “full of it”?

I can’t figure any way that advising others who hide from their fears doesn’t make them stronger is anything but good natured and uplifting.

uh, that seems so much worse.

Let me step on this wtf bear?!

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It’s entirely possible that one of the developers has arachnophobia, and so it was added because it was on their mind? I don’t know that is just a guess.


Personally, I think it’s just Blizzard trying to be viewed as “inclusive”. At least this accommodation isn’t offensive and is a toggle one can freely turn on and off.


I was thinking someone probably brought it up in one of their internal meetings. Since this expansion is very spider themed, it wouldn’t surprise me if when they asked if anyone had any questions someone didn’t raise their hand.

You could very well be right. I can totally see that conversation.

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So, as someone who has looked into this a bit:

It took one dev. Who worked on it as a passion project after hours. Because their guildie/raid friend who has arachnophobia was planning to resign and not raid in this expansion. And they figured, if one person had this issue, they probably aren’t the only person in the world.

Just to personally relate, because a bunch of people go on about weakness and self training etc:
I didn’t have arachnophobia as a kid until video games awakened it. As a very little kid, I was more scared of snails for whatever reasons. Levelling in WoW was sort of annoying in the old days because I’d have to research each zone to find which one was spider-free. I know in places like Pandaria and Dragon Isles where spiders are in all zones.

I don’t always avoid all spiders: I grinded Tol Barad in Cataclysm, including the pits of spiders, enough times to get the drake mount when it was current content. I could tank Hadronox in Azjol-Nerub but I wouldn’t describe myself as comfortable doing it. I recently suffered through the Fal’dorei chapter of Suramar, by taking my DK and gripping all the ceiling-hangars before they could drop on me. But the tarantula-style ones bother the bejeezus out of me, and I Just avoid Terrokarantula’s neighborhood entirely. I completed that one mission in the Forbidden Reach intro by playing music and not concentrating on the screen, and that one mission to get the netherdrake mount where the cave is full of spiders was just where I had quit that questline and assumed I wasn’t getting that mount. (Just remembered: I did complete the Shiverweb Vale by myself and get the pet with no issues.)

I wanted this as a mod for a long time, which would have cost Blizzard nothing, but mods that change assets are apparently TOS/bannable. I was happy to hear about Warbands but even though I preordered TWW I wasn’t sure how many months I’d play it or if I’d just go off to FF14 instead because of the spider civilization. Getting jumpscared by crabs dropping from the ceiling isn’t Not Scary, but it’s a mild shock compared to launching my keyboard across my desk when tarantulas decloak in front of me in Classic Ashenvale.

Regarding “people have other phobias”, I also have fears of sharks, but there’s not a ton of sharks in WoW. If we had an expansion that was about going to a shark kingdom then you know what a shark filter might be appropriate.

(Also want to note: The feature is currently glitched to reset when you enter instances and you have to force a /reload to bring crabs back. I was trying to find if this had been reported anywhere when I saw that discourse had started back up again.)


I turned on the mode when I did my Azjol’Nerub, Naxx, etc. transmog runs and it looked really goofy lol. Especially the 2nd giant spider boss in AN.

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