Arachnophobia mode?

I am cracking up about it too.

They are launching a SPIDER PATCH and add a NO SPIDER mode! Get out of here!

I’m claustrophobic. Can I have a toggle that lessens my gripping anxiety when I play in all these dang underground zones they wanna shove their stories into? Instead they add an underground crystal that mimics night/day cycles, while my character is still boxed in on all sides… Incredible, really, what they choose to double down against and what they choose to solve for.

Maybe we can enable all the phobia modes and just play a blank screen!
:rofl: (Kenophobia kicks in and Doom music starts to play.)

Just kidding overall but I do have claustrophobia/taphophobia though. Game devs are fried. Maybe it’s that California sun. A real development studio would open a mod pack or devkit and let players substitute from a variety of selected models. It also has a double feature of opening up more freedom for content creators too… My 2 cents.

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I’m going to be real, I have arachnophobia, and yeah it’s actually pretty bad. While playing the game and seeing tons of spiders, it’s never enough to cause me to stop playing, but it’s enough that my stomach drops out and I feel a bit queasy when there’s enough on screen (and sometimes unironically lifting my legs from the floor). you know what’s worse? spider-crabs/spider-lobster people.

Story time~!
So I flipped it on just to try it out and my brain instantly went “Hey, there’s that spider room in ICC, we should check it out and see what they do with all of the climbing down the walls and stuff!” So I did! Once I got to that room, yeah nah, it was a lot more awkward both in feeling and in appearance. Watching lobster people crawl down from ceiling leaving a spider web behind them and thousands of crabs swarming down the walls is a LOT creepier and weirder. This ‘fix’ is akin to someone saying “Yeah, I’m actually a little scared and nervous around doctors…” so they bring a clown with a stethoscope in for your physical. Yeah nah, worse, much worse!

Needless to say it’s now a lot easier dealing with spiders on screen after that horror show!

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Ahhh I miss the days when some horde players would run away from coming at them with my nice Big Huge Grey Hairy Spider while doing PVP…what a sight was to watch…I giggle even today remembering those moments that Cuddles my Spider use to make happen.

Cuddles is now retired too a nice huge Spider web enjoying a nice earned rest from her blood thirsty days…

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Some companies set aside time each week for devs to work on personally chosen side projects as a way of injecting some new ideas, google is pretty well known for doing so. Might have been something of that nature.

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I have an overwhelming fear of heights. So it would be great if Blizzard could stop making boss fights on floating platforms (Fyrrak, Tindral, Sylvanas, Jailer, Denathrius, Kiljaden, etc…)

(I’m still mad at Hinterland for adding these moving rope bridges to The Long Dark…)