AQ Expectations

This is for the 10 hour war period after sometime starts the war.

Layering is server wide, it’s not designed to help with over population in single zones.

Indeed, instead we will code up a random kicking mechanic that makes no sense and is griefable. That’ll definitely fix it.


And having servers just randomly crash or still end up porting people around like in vanilla is your preferred solution? The porting sounds quite reasonable, sub level 60’s first, then 60 who can’t hit the gong, and people who will be able to turn in the quest are excluded.

Just have layers to the zone, or all zones for that matter.

That Blizzard Polish btw


All this whining reminds me of vanilla.

They really did it. They captured the essence of classic.


Complete with people whining about whining


Putting a cap on the zone is quite possibly the worst thing you could have done. Congrats.


Yes, I know, I’m saying they should add more layers for the event week, it’s a vastly better solution than randomly teleporting players who are trying to do quests out of the zone back to the sodding barrens.


blizzard pls, you guys have done so much damage to classic, its brutal. short cuts left and right. this kinda stuff feels terrible. we all said youd ruin classic and you guys truly have.


so 10 hours AFTER the gong is rung the raids open??? pretty sure once the gong was rung in vanilla the raids were available?

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Do you all have a dart board with the dumbest ideas you can come up with and then just chuck a dart? Every patch I am amazed at how little foresight you guys have. Players are not going to log off because of this change. It will be forever occupied just like when servers had queues. Such a shame.


It blows my mind how inept you guys are. Honestly hurts.


It almost seems malicious doesn’t it?


Its like you guys want this game to die so everyone just plays retail


Lolwut. Not sure about this one folks

Please reconsider the 90 day limitation to be a limit on those who transferred after the July 2nd announcement. I planned my transfer for over a month to specifically come play with friends/family. I transferred June 12th after leveling alts on the server and then invested time on the main after transfer before. Nowhere in the description of the transfer did it mention anything about this restriction nor was I coming to some realm to “snipe” a mount. Now my guild has a slot open for a mount with little interest in it and I can’t do anything about it because of this retroactive restriction.

Before anybody replies saying “This is how it was in Vanilla” I suggest you check your facts on when server transfers actually even became a thing. It was months after the AQ gate event. The safeguard in vanilla was for new servers and it was a hard transfer restriction for 6 months after the server opened. “Original” servers actually did have a snipe or two happen, which would not have been possible had there been this restriction. I get it, we want to stop snipers, but this restriction will not stop people who have leveled new characters to be supported by their transferring guilds. I mean, if you’re going to go for it, why not go for it on your own server first and then when it opens, transfer and power-farm it for the new characters?

Multiboxers roll out!
Mission: max out Silithus population to grieve each server.

This will be interesting.


This is utter hilarity, can’t believe they’re going forward with these ideas.

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