(A)Proudmore Tank looking for new home

So returning tank is looking for a new home and raid team for upcoming expansion I usually play blood DK but I do have the habit of dipping into the other tanks. However I main tanks so if you don’t have a spot for that specifically I’m just not going to be interested. I am EST but I am open to any raid time after 5 pm till 11 pm.

hey, we dont have any tank spots open but i would love for you to join our guild/raid we raid n tues and weds from 7 to 9 pm pst and we are growing a lot, if you are into dps please message on discord Graceffa

We’re currently looking for a second tank to join our AOTC raid team! Hopefully your schedule matches ours and looks like a good fit.

Guild & Server: Karma Gaming-Proudmoore
Raid Time/Day: Wed 8:30-11:30, Thurs 9:00-12:30 PDT
Current Progression: 9/9H AATDH | 9/9H AATSC | 7/8H AVOTI
Recruitment Contact:
Discord: swiftshifterz, or holyhotdogs
BNET: Shadowfyre#1345 or Gilligan#1831

Bump bump.

[Catatonic][Proudmoore][A] started out in SoD version of wow and has sense branched out to retail and remix. Lead by long time raiders returning to kick some more pixel butt in War Within. Accepting anyone wishing to join the guild. Currently most are playing Remix but have 70s on retail side as well! Looking to build a solid raiding team that will start out running normal and heroic raids before pushing into Mythic raiding. Also looking to build teams for Mythic+ Key pushes. We do also have a guild up and running in SoD on the Alliance side Wild Growth server if you’d be interested in that!

Currently not raiding in retail except in Remix but War Within we will be doing normal and heroic raids with pushes into Mythic raiding! If you’re interested in joining our raid team then please speak with me!

We do have a community anyone is welcome to join no matter realm or faction! Once War Within launches all will be welcome to join the guild!

Schedule will be:
Tuesday/Wednesday/Monday 7pm to 10pm server (7pm to 10pm pacific or 10pm to 1am eastern) Mondays will be 7pm to 9pm and will be clean up days if necessary!


Hey there Dalvarin! We might be a good fit for you. We have a tank spot open (I’ll be your tanking partner) and we’re looking for all the talent we can get. We are a brand new guild, but I (the GM) do have experience with raid leading and running guilds. I’d love to chat with you and see if we’re a good fit, if you’re interested. Anyways, I have taken the liberty of posting our forum post below! Have a great day!