Obvious troll is obvious.
LMFAO!! Got em.
pandas are have always been part of the lore… eventually, if this game lasts, we’ll eventually see players be able to play as just about every possible race you see in the game (and some you don’t).
So if we take you at face value, and this isn’t a joke and never was a joke, then the only possible alternative is that you are not very bright. Regardless of your belief that pandaran is a joke or not, its a playable race and MILLIONS of players actually asked for them as a playable race.
No one ask for kung-fu-panda lol
And it was a joke in wc3
Regardless… millions of people asked for them as a playable race…
Where is your proof?
Last I checked pandas were one of the least played races lol
We can both throw anecdotal evidence at each other… but the fact is that during the release of WC3, a brewmaster was a playable neutral hero… it was hugely popular… and then before BC, it was rumored that pandaran were going to be a playable race and LOTS of people were excited… when they finally announced MOP at blizzcon in 2011, i’d say half the hall was happy and the other half was indifferent … mixed in to that group, a vocal minority, like many people who take this game way too seriously, just about pooped their pantaloons. You’re clearly in the camp that can’t take a joke, and take this game way too seriously… i am done arguing with you and will just mark you down as a troll and move on.
That moment when a joke forum post is of the same quality as the average forum complaint and you can’t tell them apart.
Cancelled a subscription over an April Fool’s Day prank …
Did you not read the date? Also, this is so ridiculous of course it is April Fools.
OP is very gullible.
Hes mentally not okay lol, good riddance in my opinion. Hes so dumb
Lol continue supporting findr.
Watch wow fall even more.
Nope, a company with standards won’t trick their followers.
You did well, I must admit.
True, there was also an April fools joke where there will be dungeon that requires a “light source” to progress through the dungeon.
In legion, blizzard made that a partial reality with Vault of the Wardens. The final part of the dungeon requires you to use the light of Elune to progress through the trash, but also to do the final boss.
Let’s be honest. You could’ve done a better job.
Says the kul’tiran
Sure, you say “april fools” now…
But, in 2-3 years, at least one of these changes will make it to live. Just look at the past april fool’s examples.
You’re fun.
That’s not exactly a bad thing.
It could be ;p
“The global cooldown timer has been added to all spells and abilities.” - 2006 April Fool announcement from Blizzard