On April 1st of every year many people celebrate April Fool’s Day, where people and companies play jokes on each other. Literally every single year on this date Blizzard releases fake patch notes for WoW. Every. Single. Year.
It would also be strange for them to already have patch notes for 8.6.7 when we are still only on patch 8.1.5
It really means its a successful troll when you have to even ask the question. 8/10 troll post for getting so m any people who honestly cant tell of op is serious or not.
Oh stop clutching my sides - the gig is up - you have done an excellent job April-Fooling the April Fool Patch Notes! LOL
But, just in case you’re actually serious… Blizzard resides in California - It’s April Fools Day here in North America - and Blizzard posts these funny notes every April 1st (for like 15 years now). Now, may there be a seed of truth to some of these funnies? History says there may be… but until we find out for sure… Happy April Fools Day!