April Fool's Patch

Legit would sign a big ol WRA petition advocating Kirsy for Blizzard marketing tbh


Most April Fools stuff is funny and does subtly poke at the playerbase.

This just feels like a handful of rock-salt being used as a suppository by Blizzard. Its not funny, it is just salty.


It’s 100% marketing. The patch timeline is a marketing asset. Almost everything is. In fact, it was such an effective asset that I know multiple people who resubbed after not playing since January because they were marketed a WoW patch – and now some aren’t returning until 11.0 if ever, skipping S4.

I PvP more than most here, casually, with every class in 4 pieces of conquest and closing in on 3/4 of a million kills on my account. Plunderstorm grew on me as a new game but it was not a WoW PvP patch. In fact, its existence has depleted the world in-game even more, with people scrambling to get FOMO xmogs. Blitz queues are taking twice as long now.


I hope this reaction has educated them on marketing, but this is Blizz so…probably not.

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No, it hasn’t. Because we just got this. $20.00.


I thought that was an April Fool’s Joke but then no, I clicked on it.

So the monthly tender log reward is a pet duck and the transmog set released on the same day goes on the store for an overpriced rate of $20?

They really are their own worst enemy.


Being a Blizzard fan is like going out for pizza and being served enchiladas by the staff because they think enchiladas are cool. Enchiladas might be cool. And the enchiladas might even be good. But you were hoping for pizza.


I am ashamed to admit I bought it as soon as you brought it to my attention.

More spikey equipment for the ever-growing pile …

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I probably wouldnt mind mogs on the store if there was a way to get them in game
excluding the elite pvp/pve sets

Honestly i don’t much care if they put cosmetics on the store. If people want to buy fancy armour appearances, and it keeps our subscription cost from succumbing to inflation, I’m fine with it.

It’s raid ready boosts and other game breaking things that give you an actual advantage that I’m less of a fan of, tbh


I tend to agree. WoW’s cash shop doesn’t seem nearly as exploitative as SWTOR’s Cartel Market and its prices are pretty comparable with FF14’s online store.


Paid store stuff bothers me less when there’s a content surplus. Paid store stuff bothers me more when there’s a content drought.


I mean, you could, if you use multiple characters to do so, but I’m pretty sure the moderators would strike you with a permaban out of spite for upvoting a post that dislikes WoW for abusing the forum system’s consideration that different characters are different ‘people’…

On topic: …yeah, someone at blizzard is extra salty over Plunderstorm being rightfully called out as a PvP-fest with highly sought after transmog gated behind it, rather than the “something for everyone!” mode it was marketed as…

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i just had a thought. we shouldve just been able to plunder, then go to the plunder vendor and just buy what we want

its a different sort of grind, but at least we get more agency (am i using that right?)


I mean, it would make a lot more sense, but it would also involve people being just mongrels, sucking up plunder and actively running as far into the storm as possible to deny it to anyone else if the transmog gear was entirely dependant upon collecting plunder in the game-mode.

There’s already Reddits devoted to figuring out ways to deny players the chance to finish their rep-grinds before the FOMO event ends, I think the current system offers the least amount of abuse for the average player in the end.

i mean here’s a thought: don’t bother with a rep grind, just make a basic version of the mog easily attainable for playing a few games, and make the fancier version of the mog + the title a reward for winning enough or getting kills. with no rep grind, there won’t be storm runners and the game mode will attract more people that actually want to play it.

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