April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

Twitter was and still is a mistake.

Can you start grilling her on why the Lore master apparently doesn’t know the lore? Rather than you know blow this, Lorthemar taught Zekhan how to write out of proportion?


i will not excuse her, but your behavior on twitter right now let you appear in a crazy way…lost in rage and despair.

maybe take a little break before you continue your research on this "evil knivel"racist group of writers and editors.

if you ask me, it feels like a cheap way to blame others from coperland, wife or himself, either way.


Lmao your audacity knows no bounds.


Book needs to be retracted.

Between the extreme canonical errors, the racism, the Antisemitism, and incoherence otherwise, this is bad.

This is an unquestionable unjustifiable failure of the team


It is but even now we will not get the answers, neither the one we deserve or you demmand.

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Once the manuscript was complete it should of in theory have gone to copy editors, and then to proofreaders. Given the creator is a large corporation it would of theoretically had multiple passes of both, with feedback from the author/production team behind the book between each pass.

Something very, very much went wrong. Either the copy editing step was skipped, or they ignored the fact checking which is normally done in this step because sean had to know best. He /is/ the historian, right?


Which makes the narrative errors, racist tropes, etc even worse

Who gave the final approval.

And who wrote the racist passages and Habitual Be errors if not Sean?

Why did Sean not receive the edits to approve with his name?

Why is he (allegedly) caught unaware of what is the content of the book that lists him as author

What is the damn truth!?!?!?


Sean and his wife are doing their hardest to turn the ire off of him rather than deal with the fact he blundered and is getting called out.


I will acknowledge that Baal sometimes seems a bit… hysterical. But I think that has more to do with energy level, and less his mental state?

I barely have the energy to argue on the Forums - Twitter sounds like a fresh hell of every topic, not just WoW. Maybe if I had more energy, I would argue all over the place.

That aside, by holding their feet to the fire like he does, he is getting somewhere. I am liking where this is going.

You can criticize Baal for being like a shark who smells blood in the water… but this Wife person felt like she had to interject herself, as if she were the author’s Mother, telling the neighborhood kids to be nice with her special boy.

It is great that you wrangled this out of her :

So maybe Copeland wrote something more benign, and someone else put in the more “offensive” stuff, by order of the higher ups?

I can see that. It is uncomfortable witnessing one of the co-conspirators unravel on a hot seat she placed herself in… but it is good to shed light on the “creative” process.


The book is not available in my country yet but the reception is so bad that his wife answered?

From the glimpses of the book i read here, i was already baffled by the errors and the jabs toward the Night elves.

Also Lor’themar teaching Zekhan how to write and read? Hard to believe that a man extremly busy has the time to be a teacher.

The Alliance leaving no survivor in Taurajo? Are we sure that’s a historian of Warcraft who wrote one of the biggest mistake of the book?

If they want to extinguish the fire, they must rewrite the book from scratch.


And professional and academic training and experience thereby

If someone wants to try me, I always got time.

Correct, once again academic and laboral experience :relieved:

Have to be this way to survive in certain spaces (metropolitan activist groups, internal university politics, the UN, etc)

“Creative” “process” being very loose hahaha


She made a very bad mistake interjecting more than a very basic PR line ala “We see and hear you. There are issues and we hope ABK will address these issues promptly.” Instead she got defensive. When you get defensive, you make mistakes that can cost your husband his job.

After listening around to other voices, It seems as if the book has good bones, there are just… It reads like its a draft in need of several review passes. Kinda like the game tends to release itself.


Honestly, the mistake was getting involved at all.

I get it. Stand by those you love and all, I get it. But in a very public situation involving work done for a company with the eyes of gamers and news outlets and worker’s rights groups and legal officials and more angrily glaring at said company?

Just don’t.

Because there’s no right way to publicly defend your husband from criticism here. You can apologize and it feels insincere. You can offer a reasoned argument and people will tear it apart.

You can, uhh, deny there’s racism in a game made by a company who’s involved in legal proceedings regarding discriminator practices because none of the in-game races are based on real world races in spite of their (often poor) accents, all to defend your husband’s uncomfortably out of touch depiction of a character (amidst other issues)… And then concoct a conspiracy theory that some unnamed, unknown, unknowable mysterious third party snuck into the offices in the middle of the night, just to include some bonus racism and glaring mistakes, which obviously your husband could never know about, and especially could not be blamed for… I mean, you can of course do that, because it should work well…

Ahem. Yes. So you could a certainly well-reasoned and totally rational argument, and people will, in fact, tear it apart.


As they should. There is ZERO chance Sean didn’t know what is in the book that he wrote/has his name printed on the cover. Do they honestly think we’re stupid?


Micah, you already know the answer to this.


Sadly I do :frowning:


There is a tiny bit of compassion in me for that argument. When defending a loved one, either rightly or wrongly, some folks may do regrettable things they normally wouldn’t do.

I try to live by the phrase : “first do no harm.” If something can make things worse, I try not to do it. Personally, I find her comments more offensive than what is in the book. She is showcasing how the sausage is made while denying the process we are witnessing. It is almost Orwellian.

Heck, maybe the Author fed her that line, and she is just being a trooper for their team. I am cynical enough to believe that :

Mrs. Cope : “Honey, I heard some terrible, awful things about your work! Can it be?”

Mr. Cope : “Work?.. Oh, that book. Don’t worry your pretty little head, baby doll. I had nothing to do with it! Some editor butchered my work! You know how corporations are…”

Mrs. Cope : “Thank heavens! I knew you would never do such a thing. I will go alert the public!”


The racial issues with the book had at least one article written about it.


I am not active on Twitter. I saw one thread about on General Discussion about this issue, and it was filled with denial that there were racial issues in the story.


Something bother me: Seeing people once again putting real life problems in this fantasy game.
I realize that some people think that Lor’themar teaching Zekhan how to write is racist because… he is a white male teaching to a guy from another race?
What kind of lunacy is that?

The only problem i have with this page is that Lor’themar is already too busy to even think to have free time so i hardly see how he could take the time to teach a language.
Also he is a faction leader, not a teacher.

A problem of logic in sum and the first thing that some are thinking is…racism instead?
If it was any other blood elves like Rommath or Liadrin, thses people will still see a blood elves teaching a troll as racist?

What kind of twisted mind they have to be to see real world racism everywhere?
What a plague, really…


Blizzard did that when they decided to base their races on real-world peoples.

It is a real-world racial stereotype.

That’s another issue, yes.

Yes, trolls should know how to write. Having white-coded races teach non-white -coded races is tone-deaf.

It is not a twisted mind, but rather an informed mind, likely with different experiences. Once someone is aware of racial stereotypes in media, they will see them everywhere, because they are, in fact, everywhere. If you belong to a commonly-stereotyped group, then chances are, you already see them.

People denying harmful stereotypes perpetuated by the media is a plague.