Appreciation Post

No matter what class I feel like I want to reroll, I always come back to the mage. Their utlity is awesome and I can’t imagine doing high end m+ without my ice block. This class has had highs, and they’ve had lows, but I can’t remember a time where there wasn’t at the very least one mage in group. Love how arcane is the only DPS spec in the game that requires mana management.

Bless, thanks for coming to my ted Talk

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Yea I just recently started my mage first one I have ever had at max and I’m loving everything about it I’m a nightborne so going lore wise I’m sticking with arcane and yes takes a lot of mana management but if you get good at it geez the dps numbers you can produce or outrageous

Yup, there have been ups and downs (and some changes that really made me mad), but it’s my class and I’m sticking to it. There don’t seem to be too many of us around, as I am one of only 2 mages in my guild that aren’t alts, and in my raid team I’m the only one.


I’m the only one of two people maining a mage in my guild and there are only a handful of mage alts (of which only one or two people are taking seriously).

I’m done though. Re-rolling warlock next tier. Maybe some day I’ll come back to it but raiding as mage hasn’t been fun this entire expansion.

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