Apply to Join the WoW Community Council

lol oh lord. do people need to remind you of all the pot stirring you’ve done? Don’t even start.


yup ego - people make that as an in game suggestion constantly - I know because I do


Having a different opinion than your own isn’t pot stirring, it’s simply having an opinion. I’ve yet to see a cc member troll for the sake of trolling. Responding to trolls by trolling, sure.

Ive been posting on these forums and blizz forums in general for decades and I wouldn’t want gold, green, or blue text even if they paid me. Anonymity breeds the worst in people.

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Said user is notorious for attacking people she doesnt agree with, then claims people who disagree with her are malicious and puts them on ignore.


I aint skeered what yall say to me. I want on the council
I have strong opinions about this game.

Lets call a spade a spade here. You chose this, you chose to interact with the community and im a ret paladin main and frankly since alpha/beta blizzard has done NOTHING but piss me off with the countless attention the other classes have gotten as far as talent trees and reworks while my class has put in over 20,000 responses from our community and we got 2 blue posts, both nerfs. Meanwhile druid got over 23 blue posts and the kind of attention people on tikyok would kill to have and you scratch your head and go “Gee, I wonder why people are so angry.” Maybe because of the insane backwards lack of any logic or reasoning things blizzard does with the classes!


I used to wanna be on this super bad but after seeing how some people have treated certain current members I’m like yeah no.

Not knocking anyone that wants to be or whatever but that’s seriously what put me off for good sadly.


Community Council is a token system… Just dissolve it.

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Any colored text gets treated that way, sadly. My first colored text was green as a Tech/CS MVP. It meant I was green on all forums back with the old software. ANYTHYING I said was subject to extra scrutiny, which was expected, but certainly uncomfortable. Imagine being green for helping folks with info and issues, but trying to ask about a class you want to try out. "How did you get MVP you [insult, slur, sexual implication].

It is hostile, and uncomfortable. I guess you sort of get used to it :confused: It has been almost 10 years now and I just sort of shrug and hope those people find something that makes them happy in life. Obviously they need that.

If you still want to be on the Council I would suggest you go ahead and apply. You will be allowed to pick an alt to turn gold and post on that forum with. I did the same when I was made MVP - this is my posting char that I have to stick to. I am not really allowed to alt hop, but Council folks can post on their normal chars and save the gold one for the Council forums.


This is one of those things where, if you’re interested, you need to have a thick skin. As is, any comment, even those that offer logic or kindness, are attacked. That increases if your text is another color, regardless of reason. Best you can do is let it roll off. Compartmentalize, don’t take it personally (even if it IS personal), see the amusement in the pettiness of others, don’t be baited, and be professional and kind. You’ll gain the respect of those whose respect is worth having. Gotta remember, there are kids here, whether they actually are, or simply act like it, and we’re in a world where disagreeing is a personal slight. :stuck_out_tongue:

~ Signed, an evil, vengeful, spiteful [insert sarcasm here… mostly…] mod (various places, present and past)

I pwn nubs and eat cheetos. Can I join?


I’m applying just so I can stop thinking of ways to complain about it.

Edit: Yeah I won’t get in. Kinda glad, but it’s mostly just expected. Wasn’t sure how serious I was about it in the first place.

I need to wash my hands of suggesting things. Again.

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Just hire game designers who actually play the game?


Can former community members apply again or is it a one off deal?

Ahh nvm

But where is the fun in that :sweat_smile:

Yes, they can apply again. I would assume the people who did not participate last round would not be selected again.

Community Council exists because Activision Blizzard is too cheap to hire the people needed to get on here and actually be useful. If being a part this group made ANY difference, WoW developers would have fixed some of the many issues that have been going on with more than half of the classes since launch. Instead, those problems still exist because they have selective reading. Either that or they just flat out don’t know what they’re doing. Neither would surprise me.

No one wants to be your lackey, Activision Blizzard. Quit asking players who already pay to play your crappy half-done game to take notes that you won’t read anyway. Instead of passing the chore down to your players, how about you actually do your job?

If you’re a WoW player that feels like you’re going to make a difference by joining this community, let me clue you in. You won’t. The Community Council’s only purpose is to give players someone to dump on. Activision Blizzard does NOT care, they’re just happy that they won’t have to deal with it directly. Don’t enable them. Make them do their job. If you join this council, all you’re doing is allowing them to do what they’re doing now. Nothing.

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I would LOVE to become a council member

A suggestion is just that, a suggestion. For all those who say “everyone wants”… I promise, not everyone wants that. Nor does it necessarily make as much sense when you have to consider everything a dev and balance team have to take into account. Will one person make a difference? Probably not. Could the team possibly be a source of information? Could be.

You’re absolutely right, they could be a great source of information. The problem with being a source of information, is that it’s nothing without the developers actually looking at it.

Keeping this short, developers don’t jump on here and read our posts. That’s why they made the community council. There was a time where they actually used to jump on here and not only read, but post. Unfortunately, it just isn’t the same company anymore. I’d be shocked if I actually saw a developer post on here.