API event when a party member is resurrected?

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I can’t seem to find an event that triggers when an instance party member is resurrected. Is there one? Thanks.

INCOMING_RESURRECT_CHANGED (payload is UnitID) seems like the only candidate out there.

I suspect there’re different statuses that can fire this, although I’ve not done any direct research on it.

My guess would be check the Health of a unit that this fires for and then again every 1/10th of a second until it’s not 1 (or 0 - I don’t know if health ever actually goes to 0) and use that as a close approximation.

You’d need a way to know to stop checking as well or it’ll just go forever.

There may be a cleaner way to do it, but nothing jumps out at me.

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Thanks, I’ll look into that.