AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

If we want to do generalisations…

The other side comes down to “I want this thing I didnt earn”

Which also sounds pretty childish and selfish.


Exactly! That’s what I’m trying to tell these people.

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What if they were put back into the game in a way you could earn them? I don’t see many people asking for said items to just be mailed to them for doing literally nothing. Sure maybe one or two but I’d consider them trolls as well.


As the majority of the statement in this forum has been, recycle the content and give people a chance. Let them earn it in SOME way. But reading must be hard from atop your horse, I get that. Good luck with the puking.

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How is that trolling? Unlocking things with achievement is how this game works. Are we talking about the same game?

I don’t know, “I should get it because I want it” is pretty childish too.

Also, how are people still bickering after this:


You and I both know exactly what you’re doing. Bravo.

The pearl clutchers just cannot read this morning. I’m starting to worry that they may just have…bought their AOTC mounts :open_mouth:

So now that you’ve been exposed, walk away.

Only thing you exposed is your terrible opinion and attitude, matey.

Hahah. Jealousy looks terrible on you bro.


I still fail to see how it is childish. You’re asking for the opposite for other players which can also be seen as childish.

“Oh, I wasn’t there when it was current content! Why can’t I have it now?!?!”

I say, they should introduce a recoloured version of those mounts instead of adding the old thing.

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If something is listed as “limited time only” and is supposed to be unobtainable after a certain date, I would expect it to be unobtainable, otherwise why bother?

I’m fine with a recolor being added with a new way to get it (like TW raids).


Same with the MoP CM sets. There were several recolors datamined YEARS ago. Bring in the recolors as a reward for something in the future, like new M+ rewards or TW dungeon achievements?

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My terrible opinion that achievement items shouldn’t be unlocked unless getting the achievement? I had no idea this was such a strange novel concept for wow players.

Not jealous at all, I have advocated on this post the entire time to open this game up to people. I don’t care for AOTC at all nor will I do it nor buy it. As long as the wow token remains, AOTC means nothing.

But nice try.

Why should we reuse old assets?

Shouldn’t we be putting in new content?

If we bring them back for similar challenge, it would be adding new content on par with heroic raiding to get old rewards. Should t we focus on new stuff for most of the playerbase?

We’ve said to reintroduce another way to earn the items. It’s clear you’re here to troll since you can’t be bothered to follow the conversation.

I’ve been here since the start of the conversation. Try again.

Some people like the old assets. Simple as.