AOTC Guild 8/8H Recruiting ALL for 11.1

Still looking for a few for prog!

Im interested. Which one of u should i add on disc?

Please add Jay :slight_smile:

Could use a WW monk.

Working on Xymox!

Xy’mox down. Looking for some DPS for 9.1 and reclears!

Recruiting DPS for 9.1

Hit us up if you’re looking for a great guild for 9.1.

9.1 Recruitment open!

Recruiting for 9.1

Updated needs for 9.1. If you’re interested in raiding with us, hit us up! :smiley:

Bumping for 9.1 now that there is a release date! :smiley:

We have open recruitment for 9.1 Need DPS

Recruiting DPS for 9.1!

Still looking for a few DPS add us!

We could use a Shadow priest, WW monk, maybe another dps!

Shadow Priest(disc os a +), WW, any other great DPS

Shadow Priest, Havoc DH, WW Monk, and a DPS Warrior are all in HIGH need. Feel free to reach out!

Still looking for a Shadow Priest, Havoc DH, WW Monk, and a dps warrior

Still looking for the above!