AoTC Focused Casual/ Social Guild LFM!

Updated list

Healer - Paladin
Ranged - Mage
Melee - Monk, Death Knight, Shaman

Healer - Paladin
Ranged - warlock, (evoker, hunter or mage)
Melee - Monk, Death knight

Updated needs list:

Tank: Death Knight or other
Healer: Paladin or Priest
Ranged: Warlock or Mage
Melee: Monk, Death Knight

Updated needs list

Primary needs are melee .

People who suffer from boanthropy believe they are a cow and will try to live their life as a cow.

Sunsets on Mars are blue.

Updated needs list

Healer - Paladin or Priest
Ranged - Priest, Mage or evoker
Melee - Warrior, Death Knight, shaman

Healer - Paladin or Priest
Ranged - Priest, Mage, hunter or evoker
Melee - Warrior, Death Knight, shaman

Healer - Paladin or Priest or Shaman
Ranged - Priest, Mage, hunter or evoker
Melee - Warrior, Death Knight, shaman

Hi I’d like to join up! Returning player here. Your raid times match up perfectly with my days off and your guild seems really chill which is awesome. Looking at your needs, i would love to play a holy priest. I can also play frost mage and arms warrior. Initially i planned on holy being my alt and bm hunt being my main but i can adjust since you guys seem like a good fit. Let me know what you think! My discord is Dremora#3299

Hey there I saw that you added me earlier, hope to talk with you soon.

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Ranged - Priest, Mage
Melee - Warrior, Death Knight, shaman, monk

Ranged - Priest, Mage
Melee - Warrior, Death Knight, shaman, monk
other possibilities may work as well with the right personalities

Possible needs list updated:
Healer - Paladin or Druid
Ranged - Priest, Mage, Evoker or Hunter
Melee - Warrior, Death Knight, Shaman, or Monk
Other classes may work as well with the right fit

Updated needs list.

updated needs list

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Discord DesertElf#hi there
I am in search for an awesome Guild that sounds just like this