Hey there!
It seems that we are in the same boat. Our guild, Safe Word - Kilrogg, is looking for a like-minded guild to merge with us. We’re currently 9/9 N 9/9 H and 1/9 M for BoD and 1/2 H CoS. We’re looking to increase our roster with people who would like to not only knock out AOTC every tier, but see how far we can get into Mythic as well. The only thing that may/may not be an issue is the raid time. We run Tues/Thurs 10pm-1am EST.
If you’d like you can read more about us here:
If you’re interested in chatting more about this I’ll leave both my own and our GM’s BNet and discord info.
Bnet: Reevz#1181 Fried#11205
Discord: Reevez#0615 Fried#5654
Good luck, we hope to hear from you.