AOE looting

Please for all that is holy. The aoe looting will be a god send to the community entire. Having to loot everything individually is painful at this point.



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Nope - get yourself a loot-a-rang!

Bind interact on mouseover to CTRL mousewheel up+down, problem solved.

The looting process in the game takes some time and aoe looting was introduced because looting is a pain, if there are too many targets to loot. Thats especially true for lag plagued zones like deepholme. Since it does not seem fixable for Blizzard that the process each looting action takes up to multipe seconds, aoe looting would help with this performance issue.

And would let everybody skin what you have killed because of the same lags :wink:

painful huh? Exactly what is so “painful” about clicking a button?
Finger cramp? Push-button-idas?

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Often you (have to) click on the same looted body multiple times, because it takes the game time to loot the items and takes additional time to flag the bodies as “looted”. If you spam click on a pile of dead lootable bodies, you will easily click ~5 times the amount of the number of bodies you are trying to loot and it takes a considered amount of time to loot 20+ bodies. Once it lags like in deepholme, its even more painful and looting 5 bodies can easily take up to 10 seconds.


Time wasted/Multiple Inputs/slow aoe grind on hyper spawns. Over all time wasting.

And you estimate how much time is it wasting?

How much time do you estimate it is taking you to loot some bodies?

When hyperspawns happen if you are constantly in combat and are soloing you can try to loot but when you have 10-20 mobs on you, thats not happening. But hey I guess you haven’t hit the trogg or the uldum spot yet.

Sorry friend. QOL features that make the game easier, more pleasant, or enjoyable to play are against the three pillars of classic core design. It’s centered around pain, sacrifice, and suffering…

The only rule it doesn’t violate is that you must be in a guild or gkdp to do any meaningful group content

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I’d rather have them spend time fixing bugs and other things and not being able to AOE loot.

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They don’t work!

Bug report!

Already have.

It’s so far below low priority that they might get to it around shadowlands classic.

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Yea Mass Auto Loot would be amazing. Not having to click 1,000 times an hour sure would be nice. There is a reason it was implemented and it will help performance.

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