Anyone's characters missing this morning?

So far one of my characters from netherwind has show up on Earthfury, the other is still missing both 60’s. the one that did show up my rogue i can’t even login to. been trying for 3 days and all i get is a long blue bar then it craps out and says world server down. But i really wanted my hunter who is still MIA :frowning:

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Same boat as a lot of you, resub’d for wotlk and found out all my characters had disappeared. Checked the forums to see there was a server merge and that all my characters are in limbo for an indeterminate amount of time. Worse I’m seeing some people say the “free merge transfer” puts your character on cool down from transfers for 90 days so no way to transfer to the server my old guild relocated to…


sorry that does suck.

in the post about the server merge they mentioned characters may be unavailable for up to 2 weeks so in the next day or 2 any of them you cant access should be available.

Though transferring after that I know nothing of. I hope you can join your old guild.

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They say a lot of things. Most of them are wrong. Who knows when or if those characters are coming back. (I hope they get them back and on a realm they want too, though.)

The magnitude of their failure on this server merger is so extreme and unacceptable that jobs need to be lost over it. There’s no excuse for what’s happening to people here. I’m not even affected by this disaster, and it makes me angry just seeing people’s accounts of what they’ve experienced. Here’s one of my favorites:


My wife’s main finished transferring to Sulfuras and I was able to paid character transfer off for $25. Took 5 minutes to transfer vs the 2+ weeks for free transfer.


contact them for a refund. I was able to get a sub refunded over this. But I waited two weeks and then resubbed, and guess what? Toons still gone.

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i tried they said nope

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I got my 3 70s and yesterday a new low level character has shown up but nothing since. I am missing my character that I got arena grand master before the servers merged. I thought they were starting with the 70s first and then doing bank/lowbies but its been 2 weeks and still dont have everything. Very disappointed in all of this.

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My main character is still missing on which I have a death charger…


Yeh, my boomkin is still missing :confused: I would like it back before pre patch.


ALL my characters are still missing! Ive had a 10 part ticket in with blizzard and have gotten ZERO answers! I was even told by a GM “theres no trace of that character” WTF blizzard

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This is the most bullsht thing blizzard has EVER done. WITH 0 ANSWERS COMING OUT. Several days spent, several tickets made, with GMS giving me forum links to THIS POST. WHERE THEY ARENT GIVING ANY ANSWERS

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This is ridiculous. Characters missing, zero communication for over two weeks, varying responses in GM tickets (character never existed, wait your two weeks, this is normal), two maintenance days and still no results, and this is all happening while people are paying to play your game.


When will missing characters be allowed to queue up for dungeons via RDF?


When you don’t care about classic as much as DF, you let the intern do simple stuff like merging databases…and when he messes up…well, you knew he was going to mess up.

I hope they fix this for you guys.


I hate to be the guy who has a negative outlook , but i promise you, they wont fix this. They cant even come up with an answer as to what is going on.

I wish they would at least own up to their mistake and say they’re lost or something so people can move on but as of right now I feel like Blizzard is Gaslighting us.

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