let’s just put it this way. if they shard beyond level 10, myself and many many many others will be on the way out the door. permanently.
not just “we’re going to wait for sharding to get turned off”.
no. we’re gone. period. end of discussion. and that opinion, based on various forums and message boards is very widely regarded.
Blizzard initially told us we we’re not going to have sharding in classic.
i feel i’m being nice just by accepting them sharding 1-10.
Good for you… I’m not going to let what is clearly a need to get past the first few days of madness ruin my overall gaming experience. But you go ahead and stick to your guns! Any sharding past the first 10 hours is UNACCEPTABLE!!! I applaud you sir… you and your many many many others.
Literally posted multiple times in this thread… They said that it will be in and the balance will be determining how much sharding they do and for how long…
i fully expect sharding to be used at launch. and so long as blizzard is true to what they have said so far (only using for a limited time and only 1-10) i’ll live with that.
the moment they step outside that, they lose more money.
you accept sharding for limited levels that can be reached in a few hours…
but nothing after that… this is ridiculous…
I accept sharding for a limited time frame; that being the smallest amount of time possible just to get past the first rush of players… this is reasonable.
No reasonable would be blizzard holding true to their initial promise of no sharding. Seeing as they aren’t, I’m going to be nice and hold them to their second word.
Yep they already said that there should only be ONE Kazzak up on a server at a time. Like I said I don’t think the areas they covered in content phases equate to content patches. Just phases with multiple acess patches within the content phase. This is why I think sharding for the initial leveling will not be an issue and people who are being hyperbolic about it are literally hyperventilating over nothing…