Anyone still waiting on the Sulfuras tranfers to go through?


Thank you for contacting us about the recent Burning Crusade realm consolidations or that one or more characters appear to be missing.

In June we announced several Burning Crusade realms will be retired and characters on those realms moved to a different realm.

At this time the character moves are still ongoing and not yet complete. News on the process will be posted to the forum threads linked below. Please follow those for updates, as well as details of the move and which realms have been retired.

They include a list of the original-to-destination realms to help you find where characters are being moved to and where you should check for your characters. Restrictions on the number of characters per realm have also been lifted.

US Realms:

EU Realms:

Please note, characters on a single account may not be moved all at once. So if you see some, but not all your characters have moved, that is to be expected any others will follow shortly. No characters were deleted by these realm retirements, they are simply in the process of being sent to a new home!

Unfortunately, we do not currently have information on if free character migrations might be enabled again or for what realms they might appear. For future updates on that, please check in the Burning Crusade forums.

I’ve put in a support ticket but haven’t heard back yet.
I’m missing two characters I was unable to get transferred before Aug 9th (rl issues wasn’t able to play and you could only xfer from the character screen >.<)

Hopefully I’ll hear something from the ticket soon™…