Anyone miss ranged survival?

you lost me there. i actively decline every survival hunter i see when creating m+ groups for the simple fact that to this day i am disgusted that blizzard made it melee. and i cannot stand the sight of a hunter playing my beloved ranged survival spec in melee. it grosses me out still and feels like betrayal beyond words. sorry not sorry its just how i honestly feel and cannot change that.

survival hunter with serpent sting, black arrow, explosive shot with lock n load, focus building cast cobra shot, multi shot with baked in serpent spread and explosive trap was hands down the smoothest, greatest spec ever created by blizzard for any class in this game in the nearly 2 decades of its existence. it was my spec. our spec. and it was taken away. ripped from our lives with no choice. so how do i deal with it. out of sight out of mind. if i dont see any melee survival hunters then i am fine. so if that means i wont accept any to my groups, so be it. :frowning:


Could become serpent sting, black arrow, wildfire bomb with lock and loaded in 10.0. and the can just create a generic hunters knife for the melee skills if they want to leave melee in or let the class wield 2 weapons that auto swap.


sounds good to me bohdai. i like the sounds of that, actually as long as its ranged i am ready and willing. :slight_smile:


I was getting into crazy high fantasy and saying the Survival hunter should just throw their melee weapon at range like Thor or make raptor strike onto a ranged spell that just does the energy slash from the aspect of the eagle. And a throwing auto-attack of a hunting knife or axe being flung from the hunter’s belt. I know melee has the advantage of messing with a line of sight abilities that they don’t suffer from cause they can hit targets behind them in melee. So if Survival hunters could do both they could get up in melee on other ranged classes and have a slight advantage or annoyance and kiting wouldn’t be an issue unless the enemy had ranged abilities more than 40yds.

yea i get it. i mean when blizzard first announced survival was going melee i was on these forums 24/7 trying to divert it to bm.

like i say a melee spec has no place in the hunter class. however…

if you were to delve deep into the fantasy part of it then based off of wow’s lore with the only melee hunter ever known of… Rexxar, well he is bm. He has a spear. he is not survival.

so based just off of that bm should of gotten the melee spec.

but op top of all of that bm would of made total sense with a hunter being melee because of the whole Beast Master aspect of it all. you could of been some savage humanoid raised in the wilderness by beasts and you only know killing and kindship with you animals. you could have 2 pets by your side as you ravage with spears and makeshift axes all the while commanding your beasts to rend and tear your targets while you finish them off with a spear to the chest or axe to the skull.

this melee survival thing is just disgusting. especially since it was at the cost of the best spec ever created… ranged survival.

I miss MM being good, and by good i mean interesting with fun abilities and toolkit. I preferred MM in legion even though everybody hated the mastery.

MM right now is so dam plain and boring. Thank god we have survival hunter which is at least interesting, however i started playing hunter because i like bow\ranger specs not melee or pet specs.

They failed to rework MM after they pruned it in legion and its been bad for nearly half a decade now in terms of spec design.

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There’s something about rapid fire I just can’t get on board with every time I try and play MM these days. I’m rather excited for WoTLK classic. Last time I was a Death Knight, this time I will definitely play my hunter. I’m excited for SV in the early tiers and MM as well.

Instant aimed shots FTW. Obviously it won’t be as fun with low crit, so SV it will be until I’m more geared. But both specs will be a blast! Hopefully all the guilds don’t go the way my three guilds went in TBC, which is basically extinct :frowning:

I guess that’s the curse of most of us having lives and jobs these days.

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Rapid fire is just a boring spell and MMs rotation is flat and boring. Not only that but i feel like they just lack abilities.

If you compare survival to MM, like not only do they have more in terms of utility,toolkit and cool\nice to press spells but it just feels better to play. Its obvious MM was cut for the rework after the post legion prune, like so many other beyond bare bone specs in bfa.

you have had classic wow,classic tbc and classic wrath to play it.

i love seeing their hp drop in pvp when i double tap rapid fire.

Yea some people like seeing big numbers, I think its cool but i kind of like set up and rewards.

For me just pressing rapid fire as the only condition to do damage is pretty flat for me anyway. Each to there own, but other MMORPGS i play i think do ranger\bow better than wow.

I think most people have already played through those xpacs and the problem with classic servers is they completely die once the xpac is finished so its not like retail where its basically never ending and your character isnt worthless after a xpac.

I think if blizz had a actual classic + server like old school runescape i prob wouldnt be playing retail right now for that same reason. The idea of a seasonal classic server that wipes and resets is just boring to me and doesnt feel like a MMORPG.

I believe it’s a deliberate thing, leaving MM to limp along.

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Nope, I don’t miss being ranged. I love being a melee hunter. It makes things interesting. Going toe to toe with someone while trying to outwit them is fun. Other melee classes like Survival Hunters because Survival Hunters have to move around to survive. I think survival hunters need a tiny reduction of damage taken at all times, but it isn’t necessary.

Overall, I chose melee hunters over ranged hunters.

I doubt this, as I too, have to move to survive, and I play MM Hunter. No Hunter can really afford to get caught up in melee, and a good part of our tool-kit is made up of things to help us avoid it.
I will make a guess that other Melee Class players like the Survival Hunter spec because it too, is melee, at least in name, and it’s fun.
And then, when play-time is over, those Melee players go home to their Melee Mains. By the way, is there a Ranged Paladin? Warrior? Death Knight?

I think what you’re trying to say is, “melee isn’t meant for hunters?” Then I believe you are stating, in an off way, “real melee don’t play hunters?” It’s a hybrid class. If you don’t like Survival Hunters, don’t play them.

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I like several MSV Hunters, and several more RSV Hunters, and I suppose there are a few I don’t care for. I generally play with none of them.
Dislike doesn’t move me much, it’s more that it’s rude/cruel to play with people. Generally.
Why are you second-guessing me? Try thinking I had no problem expressing myself. Believe what I wrote, instead of thrice removed imaginings.

No, I don’t miss it but we need a full range option that lasts more than 15 sec.

Why do you want that?

Cause Survivals defensive abilities are balanced to benefit kiting and it only damage reduction turns off the hunter’s damage so it not good to use it while in the thick of combat. I would love a spell-slinging blade slash all the time and not just for 15 sec.

I would love a(Ranged) spell-slinging blade slash all the time and not just for 15 sec.
Is that about it?

Well, that’s my thought so far unless it is not enough. It still is a melee hybrid class cause you want to get close if your auto attacks even make up 10% of the spec’s damage.

Another idea would be that the hunter can put a magic hunters mark and recall there weapon to them as many times as they want and just hurl the 2h weapon around like Thor.

Another idea would be arcane shot working like how serpent sting works.

The last idea would be to bring back Fury of the Eagle and make it help reduce the cooldown of the aspect spells by 30-45 sec and it procs a free Aspect of the Eagle at the end of the cast and raptor strike and mongoose bite reduce the cooldown of Aspect of the eagle by 5 sec each cast and if Aspect of the Eagle is cast before using Fury of the Eagle it becomes a 40 yrd Barrage like spell where the spears shoot forward. So if you time it right you can stay at range with a rotation and allow the aspect of the eagle time 15-sec stack up lengthening it duration and with wildfire bombs and chakrams to fill in any downtime or something like that.