Anyone miss ranged survival?

Well one spec would focus on dots with old school explosive shot\black arrow and maybe some traps or grenades while the other spec would be just a aimshot\rapid fire spec.

MM will be reworked at some point. I am hoping that they make it more of a stand alone ranger spec. Pet abilities take up too much space for the value they give.

It would go along ways for me if they would just give Marksman serpent sting baseline, but it lasted like 24 seconds. And then your serpent sting damage has a chance to give you a free aim shot instead of your auto attacks. I do love dots and ranged survival was fun for that. But I prefer aimed shot over explosive shot. Not that it’s bad, I just prefer some burst with my rot damage.

Kind of like a shadow priest, you’ve got some rot, but some burst as well.

Yea i agree, thats why i said MM should be split up into two specs, One that focuses dots another that is like a snipe spec/instant damage spec.

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If I have too see this topic one more time


Then scroll past love <3


The main problem with this is that MM and ranged SV were two separate and distinct fantasies. Cramming them into one spec is like cramming Affliction and Destruction or Subtlety and Assassination or Arms and Fury into one spec. You just end up with a watered down MM and ranged SV with limited to no opportunity for customisation and further iteration (as all your talents were instead spent on picking MM or ranged SV).

This is especially egregious as it means melee Survival, the niche fantasy, walks away keeping everything with no compromise. That will only be viewed as spectacularly unfair and biased.


Bepples, what’s your favorite movie ever, and why? GO!

Austin Powers: Goldmember for being really funny and being full of quotable lines.


The Spy who Shagged Me was far funnier and more quotable.

The end were we find out Dr. Evil is Austin’s brother killed the series.


Eternal Sunshine of a spotless mind.


I find irony in this. MSV complain about RSV showing up on post about enjoying the new spec, but here they are complaining about a post that likes RSV.

At this point you’re just a hypocrit. You are a contradiction to your stated beliefs or feelings on the matter. There only one side of SV and you can not like any other possibilities.


I’ve never actually watched that movie. Is it worth? :open_mouth:

Its the crying game. Anything else he says is his beard.

It’s an art piece type of movie.

After a painful breakup, Clementine (Kate Winslet) undergoes a procedure to erase memories of her former boyfriend Joel (Jim Carrey) from her mind. When Joel discovers that Clementine is going to extremes to forget their relationship, he undergoes the same procedure and slowly begins to forget the woman that he loved. Directed by former music video director Michel Gondry, the visually arresting film explores the intricacy of relationships and the pain of loss.

It full of dream like scenes and thinking moments. If you want the Truman Show Carrey and not Ace Ventura than you might want to watch it.


For me melee and hunter just don’t go together, like water and oil. I have mained a hunter for well over a decade because I enjoy ranged, especially to raid. That being said WoD SV was the lowest dps spec in the expansion, so I didn’t play it much, but I did start out as SV. IMO WotLK was the most enjoyable time for SV. I liked having mana over focus, but I also had a Druid to innervate me during raids so I could go ham and not worry about going oom. Being able to self proc lock n load with traps was cool too and overall the rotation was smoother. Playing around with points in the tree to min/max was also something that I enjoyed, those claiming it was all cookie cutter were never the top dps.

I am looking forward to it and will play BUT considering how fast classic raids are being cleared it just won’t feel the same. Sure people will die doing the dance of death but other than that Naxx will be cleared within an hour of release. Plagued proto-drakes will be a dime a dozen, HM Uldy will be normal mode and same with TOGC. It will be more for nostalgia for me, but the excitement and feel of progression sadly wont be there. It will be much more of an enjoyable experience than SL though that it a guarantee.


SV was actually good for the first raid and decent for the second. It was 6.2 with Hellfire Citadel that ruined the spec. They probably did that not only so people wouldn’t stay attached to ranged SV up to its removal date but also so people’s last impression of ranged SV was an abandoned and weak spec. I see many people like Sinelius arguing that ranged SV was always a bad and unpopular spec because they only remember its last patch and assume it was always like that.

Mana was just a poor fit for Hunters. By WotLK we had Aspect of the Viper which rapidly regenerated mana but it halved our damage. That just doesn’t make a lot of sense. “I want to Aimed Shot but I can’t aim a shot because I’m out of mana so I have to sacrifice damage to regenerate mana to 100%”. It sounds like a sort of thing a Mage should be doing rather than a Hunter.

Focus makes a lot more sense thematically, and gameplay-wise it made the class more about a dynamic priority list rather than a static rotation.

This was a really cool mechanic that was far ahead of its time. It shows how Blizzard was taking the utilitarian trapping spec and making a unique damage dealer identity and gameplay out of it. It was a combination of good thematics and gameplay not really seen in the class before that point.

It would have worked a lot better if they made Trap Launcher in time for WotLK; originally it was intended for 3.1 but they pushed it back for 4.0 and made Black Arrow instead.

The way they approached traps and Survival before Legion is the go-to example of how Blizzard’s class design quality has declined. Before Legion every Hunter had traps but Survival had unique trap enhancements plus Lock and Load with its guaranteed proc from frost traps. It made sense because the capabilities represented by each spec (pets with BM, long range sharpshooting with MM, utilitarianism and special munitions with SV) were all represented in the baseline class while each spec sensibly built on them. Come Legion and the new class designers don’t understand any of that; specs must apparently share almost nothing at all and essentially be different classes. This is what gave us melee Survival, and since they didn’t understand the logic behind how traps were handled they removed the bonuses (Entrapment, Trap Mastery, Lock and Load) and just made traps Survival-exclusive for a bit until that predictably ended with disaster. Now Survival has NO baseline trap buff yet people still go around calling it a trapper.

TBQH it was pretty cookie cutter. Not as severe as 41/20/0 in BC, but not far off.

This build was pretty stock-standard for most raiding SV Hunters. People might do something like take a point out of Expose Weakness and put it in Improved Aspect of the Hawk when they get enough crit, putting points in Point Of No Escape for PvP, or Improved Stings for the T9 set bonus, but most of those talent picks remained the same and the DPS difference from tinkering with them was very minor to the point where individual happenings on a boss fight would drown them out.


And for others it’s like: The girl broke up with them and they are sad, but carrying on. Thinking about what has been lost causes them to realize just how deeply they have been affected. What’s gone was the best possible fit for them in their unique circumstance, both in quality and comfort, and has set a bar of sorts for excellence. They realize there are other girls of comparable quality, but finding another that will fit “just so”, under their arm, another with the same personality and disposition as the one that was lost, may not be possible, not in this personal circumstance.
Still thinking, they think this sucks. How could this have happened? It is as if an evil entity has brainwashed the girl, changing everything about her that was formerly an attraction, missing only a fondness for pets and her name. Perhaps a fine girl, but not at all the one they were considering introducing to their mother… So, what to do.
We know it WAS an evil entity. So does every Hunter, pro-melee or pro-ranged, or couldn’t care less, anyone who is ok with how Blizzard overnight obliterated a Hunter spec, they know it was an evil entity too, they just drank the kool-aide the orcs turned down, so are good with it. But I (possibly) digress. Back to the girl.
So, our Hunter knows the girl was important to them, possibly irreplaceable in this circumstance.
Too important to lightly dismiss, to easily forget, to casually accept less.
Carry on, our Hunter will, but move on?
True love never dies.
Forevermore, our Hunter will wait for his girl to come to her senses, occasionally reminding her of who she used to be.
Eventually, she will hear, and agree.


probably not. while i am looking forward to playing the spec again, classic is still just replaying old content. i hardly touched tbc after leveling and doing the t4 raids once or twice. the content is just old and extremely easy nowadays.

what i hope is blizzard sees what made hunter fun and enjoyable in wrath and brings some of it back to the modern game. for me the classic hunter has a distinct feeling that is missing from retail.


I think WotLK will have more staying power than BC simply because the class design is much better.

As for WotLK Hunter: Honestly while it’s a major improvement over BC aside from ranged SV I don’t think there’s anything specific I would want back. Maybe Distracting Shot.


Agreed. Hoping they’ll make the right decision and bring it back, preferably as its own spec, for Dragonflight. There’s so much they could do to further explore the core fantasy it held. The gameplay surrounding dots, and how it tied into the theme of a munitions expert+trapper would be nice to get into again, compared to what we see in the current specs.