Anyone Here Play with a Disability

I play with parkinsonian tremors but both hands. My tremors are worse in my left hand so I give them a simple job (front-back-left-right) and control most abilities with a right-hand mouse. I play classes with simple rotations (prot Pally or Affliction Lock) or heal with this druid and healbot. I very occasionally do a mythic or an LFR and no one complains about my abilities, but I struggle on mythic +. Thanks to LFR I am able to see most of the content, and this game is my favorite game.

Raiding (which I did vanilla-cata) became impossible for me, but in truth, leaving it was long overdue. I would end up in high-performing guilds each expansion, but at the end of each expansion the guild would blow up. It would eat up 3-4 nights a week on top of it, and at one point I was the #2 resto druid on my server cluster, but these nights were nights that my WoW playing wife soon concluded could be spent doing, errm, other things. And they were better spent (surprise, now we have kids).

My conclusion? Unless you really thrive on drama or you feel a burning need to be the bestest player, just walk away from guild raiding. Youā€™ll have more choice, more control over your game time and away time, and the cut scenes will be the same (or if theyā€™re not, theyā€™ll be on youtube). And if you play in a competitive guild, no matter how good the leaders are, thereā€™s always going to be one jackass calling you a cripple in spite of your performance and ruining your experience.

What you might enjoy is what we called in vanilla a ā€œcare bearā€ guild: people with various limitations who played together and helped others learn the game. I had a lot of fun in one of these guilds before I started raiding, and I miss it somedays.

Donā€™t forget to walk away and play other stuff for a while, too. Youā€™ll be glad you did. Theyā€™re not going to cancel wow if you unsub to play something else for a while. I found ESO was playable with an XBOX controller, which made it easier for me until it ran out of content, and then I was happy to come back to WoW.


In 2016 I was diagnosed with both Carpal Tunnel and Cubital Orbital Syndromes. So basically, I have nerve damage affecting my hands, wrists, and elbows. I also have repetitive motion injuries affecting my shoulders.

I can play in moderation, but if things start hurting I have to stop and rest. I canā€™t really raid, because I canā€™t commit to it in case my injuries flare up. Aside from some days making me wish I could cut off my hands or limbs to stop the pain, Iā€™m mostly fine. Just need to keep ice packs, pain meds, and various braces handy. I definitely have to play much more casually than when I first started WoW.

Best wishes to everyone, especially those also affected by issues and injuries. It definitely makes things tough. Good health to you.

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Iā€™m colorblind and the colorblind mode in wow sucks and thereā€™s not any good add on for it, or my situation perhaps.

Iā€™ve raided heroic only because people did not minded giving extra attention to me as they considered me good company and fun to have around.

Guild disbanded in WoD due to the game being boring, lost last contact I had with a member of the former guild during Legion. Now when I try to play I am constantly called a noob and being told to uninstall. Or something about my mom.

I want swirls to be removed or changed to something else.

Iā€™m with you on the arrow keys. I never got the hang of using wasd or the mouse for movement. I guess that goes back to the old dos days of Commander Keen and games like that.

There is no medical test for Aspergerā€™s Syndrome. My son was diagnosed with it while in the Army. He is now under treatment and a totally different person. Your mom probably knows more than the doctors as she has observed you over the years.

If I had known the symptoms of Aspergerā€™s when my son was home, I would have known for a fact that he had it. It was totally obvious.

got major tendonitis so Iā€™m constantly looking at ways to push less buttons and push them less often

lazy macros are incredible

the GCD change made this significantly harder to do, but whatever - just more bliz taking away QoL

Iā€™m not disabled but I do remember a guildie of mine from vanilla. He was a quadriplegic and played with a special straw device. He was a resto druid and a very avid raider. He had the help of his daughter to do certain tasks but other than that he was able to keep up on his own. I have no details of his setup but it was quite the inspiration and I always got excited when he was raiding with us.

Iā€™m a C4/5 quadriplegic. Uses a trackball to turn and a universal cuff with a pen attached to punch the keyboard. I still try my very best to keep up with normal players and get very upset if I donā€™t do well. Guess is in my blood, used to be very competitive in sports before my injury.


I have MS and it completely affects the right side of my body. I have vision and auditory issues associated with it,but Iā€™m not deaf or blind. I also get tired rather quickly while I play. Recently I had to have neck and spinal surgery to help alleviate some of the physical pain I experience on a daily basis.

I havenā€™t had to modify the what or how I play, yet. I just worry about the future. I also miss out on so much content because I donā€™t want to be the guy that drags an entire team down. Iā€™m currently in a guild that constantly encourages me to join them and I appreciate their kindness, but they donā€™t know my true limitations. So I just run dailys, some island stuff and the occasional warfront.

Having a disability is difficult and Iā€™m not talking about playing the game. Itā€™s more about not seeking charity in game. Iā€™m a proud man, father of two and used to be the guy that always brought home the bacon. Now Iā€™m reduced to this. I feel the same way in game at times. I know I shouldnā€™t, but I do.

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This!! Mine isnā€™t as bad as yours. Iā€™m always somewhat dizzy but I donā€™t get the whirling every day. Iā€™m in a three-week flareup right now, though, so itā€™s frustrating.

Any situation where you have to fight while flying, forget about it. Total pukesville. For example I didnā€™t kill Malygos until my guild had him on farm enough that I could just keep my monitor turned off for literally the entire flying part. Theyā€™re really great about telling me (on vent, well now Discord) when I can open my eyes again in dungeons where we fall down to another level, etc, since I canā€™t watch that stuff either.

Itā€™s amazing to see that there are all kinds of people playing the game and simply having fun ^^ More good guilds shoud accept those who are not able to hear though


I remember a few years back reading about a couple disabled player friendly guilds on the forums that were actively recruiting folks with disabilities. Sadly cant remember what realms these guilds were on though. But I guess there are still some out there.

i have Astigmatism and have big problems with little particles like boss " Liu Flameheart " that are ā€œinvisibleā€ when dont use corrective glasses

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Have a couple chronic diseases but not physically disabled at this time.

My hatā€™s off to those who deal with impairments and work to conquer them daily.

Youā€™re an inspiration:smiley:

My nephew has pretty severe damage to one hand/arm from strokes. He seems to be able to play well enough. I doubt heā€™ll be joining any top tier raiding guild, but he does well enough to have fun.

I have been diagnosed with early-onset Parkinsonā€™s.

I do raid when Iā€™m able, although I get tired VERY quickly and have difficulties doing anything too stressful. I also get sick more easily and am forced to drop from raiding, sometimes for weeks. Thankfully I have an understanding guild who letā€™s me chip in on the heroic stuff but doesnā€™t hold me to doing mythic.

Mostly, I do solo things. Work on achievements, that kind of thing. Been playing since Feb 2005, so thankfully Iā€™ve gotten the ā€œgotta be bleeding edgeā€ jones out of my system and am content to be a bench player.

This thread is a pleasure to read. So many good stories, how you all overcame to still have fun, and the support here makes for such great feelings. I wish there was a way to transfer this good into the game. Iā€™m also glad the game is able to cater to a variety of players. Thanks for sharing everyone. You made my day.

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Hey, there is this dude u/Dmitriy_Baskakov who has been trying to reach you for quite sometime now. Go talk to him ASAP!

I myself am lucky enough to not have a disability other than the occasional case of moronic decision making. Light hearted joking aside, I did know a friend though who had been 1-armed named Logan. He was a really good kid. Passed away in a hiking accident.

I still miss him. Great player, even with his handicap.