Anyone good with custom Macros?

damn figured id take a shot seemed too good to be true anyway, i just hate tod, like it lights up and goes away EVERY F’N TIME. tilting ability

Hey anyone got a dope , Focus Intimidation / next level freezing trap macros?

Looking for something to dash my pet to target and intimidate without attacking the focus target then go back onto the kill target afterwards…

and any advanced macros idk about to help make freezing trap less room of error? just throwing it out there. thanks in advance bless

You want it to cast Dash and then cast Intimidate on your focus?

#showtooltip [@focus] Intimidate
/cast Dash
/cast [@focus,harm,nodead] Intimidate

Hey Brother. I need help with a new Macro for my Shaman…

so its kinda like the dispel one u made earlier but hear me out

So. I want a Macro for my Shaman, That if im targeting a enemy it purges.
if im targeting a friendly it Purify Spirit. But also a Shift Modifier Macro in it, to drop Grounding Totem.

can you help a brotha out?

/cast [mod:shift] Grounding Totem ; [help] Purify Spirit; Purge

this isnt getting the grounding totem to register

Need to make sure nothing is bound to shift + the key the macro is on. For example, if I had piercing howl as shift v, I could not put a macro on v with mod shift, or it would default to the already known bind.

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I’m use a Razer Naga, and have the num pad on the side reworked to use the numpad keys.

but for some reason Numpad 1 + shift makes it switch to “end”

and not recognize the modifier macro

also. F9 / 10 / 11 keys i have programed to a keybind but they dont recognize anymore modifiers outside of shift. :confused:

That’s because keyboard numpads have different hardware events when combined with shift. Whereas shift 1 on the top numbers is !, shift 1 on the keypad is end. Shift 2 is down arrow, 3 is page down, etc. These secondary keys are probably literally shown on your keyboard.

If your keyboard doesn’t show these or you’re using a tkl, here’s one I found for you

This means that the only shift keypad modifiers that are viable are

5 / * - +

Keybinds take priority over macro modifiers. By default shift 1-6 are bound to Action Page 1-6. You’ll need to unbind any conflicts to use them as macro modifiers.

yeah mien doesnt have it shown but ty