Anyone experiencing lots of bugs lately?

On 3 different toons, I have had the stuck-in-combat bug, but slightly different. The in-combat situation would start and stop and start and stop, ad nauseum. It would continue through zone changes, would not let me use a flight path or hearth, or even log out. I had to close the game in order to change characters.

My little gnome did the Drustvar incursion yesterday and was mounted on an invisible horsie. I swear Invincible never dropped for me so this was an interesting glitch. She was running as fast her tiny legs could move. Kinda funny actually.

She got it all done then the glitch disappeared. So was just tied to that Arom’s area of the incursion. No biggie.


just witnessed my favourite one. ran from some mobs to the point i should be out of combat. didn’t work. tried to shadowmeld. still in combat. then it kept flickering off every 2 sec, in combat, out of combat, in combat… couldn’t log out. eventually had to close the game down.

it’s ridiculous to be so far into the expansion already and experiencing s*** like this still.

The OP was complaining about bugs, then they go on to list things which are generally a result of lag.

If someone doesn’t know the difference between a bug and lag, yet feel qualified to decide that the issue is obviously lag, and obviously blizzards fault… then i’m going to cast doubt over their assumptions.

Let’s not pretend I’m claiming there are no bugs, I never said that.
…but for some reason, you want to keep saying silly things on my behalf.

it’s not as if the op is the only one who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

^doesn’t understand the changes which were made to nodes.
… wants to pretend the nodes are bugged.

I read tech support.
I read bug reports.
I see how many people mistakenly think they’ve encountered issues with the game when working as intended, or jump the gun to blame blizzard for things being broken when they’re in denial that they have a UI issue, which can only be fixed from the users end.

Ok know it all when will you stop white knighting or is this you ION

I actually experienced that on the rogue last night. One fight, the combo icons were missing, then reappeared after the fight, then another fight the icons were present but were not filling up, and I could not use any combo-spending abilities.

Also had the mount thing, where you click it but stay in standing/running animation. It’s not strictly a lag/latency issue, as stealth acts differently when this happens. Normally, I can be mounted, stealth, and it auto-dismounts. When it does this weird runny thing though, I can’t stealth to dismount, it will say cannot do that.

Fixed with a quick relog, though.

That is one of the bigger bugs that was there before this patch landed. Still not fixed!!!

Its BfA, the bugs have already surpassed early classic. At least then I could blame loot lag on the server. So far I’ve seen NPCs and bosses randomly disappear, multiple quests not work so you have to restart them, the Saurfang war campaign quest for one of my alts decided for me what he wanted to do (customer support said they couldn’t reset the quest chain so looks like he’s stuck in lore limbo), nodes going away randomly, last night we had people all getting the cinematic at random parts of the raid, etc…

A few times this happened (and it was actually pretty cool): I would activate my mount, but instead of it appearing, my toon could just run really fast.

Other than this, there was a quest where I’d collect stuff, and it didn’t register on the percentage bar until I killed something afterward (I think this was one of those Azerite collection quests).