Anyone experiencing lots of bugs lately?

the drustvar incursion didn’t have an airship, so my warlock got dropped off in mid air and is unable to complete the incursion.

worked fine on my monk… but there is a WQ in drustvar i’ve done 5 times now and am yet to receive credit and completion on it


why would blizzards servers be lagging?
…and if they were, why do you think people wouldn’t be screaming from the rooftops about it?

do you understand that you don’t connect directly to blizzards servers?

do you understand blizzard don’t own the internet?

Try reading the tech forums bud i think they are Screaming about server lag… ION is this you?


Funny Bug i was in Stormsong and seen a druid in travel form on top of a bird flying sideways up the road… Made me remember this is still in Beta ran by a small indie company…


Only since Patch 8.0. Why?


Sharding… Beta for Abilities launch maybe? firing the Q and A people take your pick…


if you think that’s the case, i’m going to guess that you’ve never bothered to look at the tech support forum during a time when there is actually a significant lag issue.

Regardless, how many posts do you see by the op in the tech support forum?
What troubleshooting have they done?
Where is their WinMTR?
Where is anything which could actually be of any assistance to give techs some sort of idea where to start looking?

The op clearly just wants attention, or they would have provided basic information, and posted in the appropriate forum.

At least once a week since launch


Lots of nodes literally vanishing as I get to them…it seriously is beyond a joke.

instead of blaming the game, perhaps you should blame your ISP.

Problem is at Blizzards end.


I suggest you go look at tech support and the thousands of customers with thousands of rigs all over the world with the same issue all connected to Blizzards servers…its them not us.


My favorite bug today.

Hop on the boat to go from Menethil Harbor to Theramore. The transit across the map seems to take a little bit longer than usual and then when my character reappears for a split second on the boat in Theramore Harbor, I get a message that says “connection to voice chat service lost.” The character load screen appears with a new blue bar.

After that, my character is in the tunnel to the Alterac Valley entrance sitting in front of Marshal Grimhammer.

Ok, this is not the destination I expected.

I’ve had combo points not work on either of my pallies as well (also have a Dark Iron). It’s completely random and doesn’t seem to have a specific trigger. Suddenly I will just stop building holy power while in combat, then when combat ends I get all the holy power I should have been getting during combat at once. So I can use Templar’s Verdict once at the start of the next combat, but then my holy power just sits at two till combat ends, then it’s back to five.

It persists like that till I log out and back in, then it seems to be okay. I submitted a bug report, but yeah, the combo point thing is weird. I also have issues being stuck in combat/unable to mount when that happens.

Last time I did that one all three of us in the group spawned 20 feet in the air on the platform at Thunder Totem. We literally could not move. The rogue and demonhunter managed to get down and kill a few mobs using their chain pull, but they still couldn’t move. So we all logged and tried again. This time I was the only one stuck in the air, the others were able to complete the scenario, and I got completion credit I needed.

When this bug happens it seems to affect or be triggered by my Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth. When I pop the mammoth, the vendors appear, but they’re like glued next to me. I can’t do anything. I can’t even vend stuff out. I have to force quit the game, sometimes more than once, to get out of that.

I had a similar one:

I was in Drust, taking the Gryphon path to Stormwhatever in the North (the one by the SouthEast shore, where I help the turtle find the path through the market or junk.)

So I figure, well good time to use the facilities.

I return to me laying on the side of a mountain, dead.

“Changed Channel: [1. General - Stormsong Valley]”

“Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found
Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found”

I’ve actually never had that happen before, where the auto flight path gryphons just dumped you when they zoned into where you were going.

My only real issue outside some wonky world latency shooting up is that whenever I use my Dalaran hearth on any character it takes ages and ages to load. I never had this problem when Legion was live but since BFA dropped I have to sit here for 2-3 minutes just waiting.

…Because it stands to reason that all the ISPs worldwide appear to be having this exact same issue?


yep this is ION or a blizzard white Knight


…Because it stands to reason that all the ISPs worldwide appear to be having this exact same issue?

I was wondering when someone would point this out to him.


All of the above, plus my rogue accepted a queue and instead of being transported to the instance, was instead dismounted and fell to her death.