Anyone ever think about Strand of the Ancients?

I remember fondly enjoying this battleground, albeit most of the time I hated it.

What do you guys guys think about bringing this battleground back once a year for one week?

I think it’d be nice such as Southshore vs Tarren Mill.




God no…

No no no no no no

Why god?!!


Edit: I realize now I overreacted to your idea. I saw the words strand of the ancients and fondly and had a panic attack. One week a year with a separate queue? Sure go ahead.


this is what i remember:


Amazing bg

Bring it back and restore it on the Battlemaster achievement or grandfather Battlemaster if you don’t have strands master like they did for Arena Master if no 5s

Don’t fall off the boat?

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Yes. Its was really good BG. Players never got it though. People running around without picking up bombs and not caring about demos. So no wonder they can’t use jetpacks near Azerite nodes through the air. :wink:

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I would take it over Seething Shores any day.


I like Seething in concept. But it feels every game I play with apes who ignore jetpack use and Azerite nodes. Its unreal. And its exactly the same on EU side.

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Strands was actually ok. It didn’t bother me too much.

Looks at Seething shore…

Strand perhaps I treated you to harshly


I remember a lot of people giving up based on how one round went and then chasing/peeling demolishers being generally annoying. I can’t say that I miss it.

Well, I mean… specifically the frost nova, poly, and fear spam by passengers on the demos was wacky. You couldn’t kick them.

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yeah, i miss it. i don’t miss how often the bg popped up though, random bg seemed
to pick it more often, possibly because people left early.

I didn’t really care for it, but sometimes the giant teamfight at the last gate before the courtyard could be really fun. It was usually on my blacklist though. I just don’t like vehicles in PvP.

It wouldn’t mind it now that blacklisting is gone. It was pretty bad, because usually alliance would blacklist it and it was basically bot team if you queued as alliance. Plus it was all tank dependent, and the whole BG could be ruined by bad tank drivers who just drove into the enemy or shot at people instead of the gates. Or by a couple of annoying rogues that would always sit workshops and destroy tanks.

In IoC at least the enemy also pushes your castle, so you don’t feel like you’re banging your head against the wall for 30 mins.

I like Strand and Seething Shore. Both of them are much more tactical and I don’t think people like committing much time to learn how to play them well though. They should add it back as a brawl. I’d rather play that than deep six.

I hated it all the time. I join BGs to test my characters power and build against other opponents. Sieges and Cannons are in the way of PvP. So it was the most hated BG in history and got rightfully removed.

Now if we can just remove Isle and WG. Epics need to be fixed and worked on.

Strand > Seething any day.

Strand - Had vehicles but a bit of tact to it(they removed passenger slots if I remember rightly towards the end) , as an above mentioned poster said “annoying rogues” getting vehicles down low but not killing them is a tactic to ensure offensives are easily dealt with. The last push for the gate was awesome team battles also.

Seething - If I afk/die here I can jetpack across the map to get to the next node.

Even if the enemy team completely beats you in battles you can still win because jetpack shoots you across to objectives. Your rewarded for your deaths.

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Memories of being the only healer on our team in Seething Shore trigger my PTSD.

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Having this BG return as a weekly event would be super nostalgic.
New players can also get a taste of some WOW history.
I’m sure it would fly.